Reasons to exercise.....
Not to steal Ruth Ann's thunder - but found this article in Living with WLS....just a little reminder to us as to the benefits of exercise! Have a good one! Barbara
Reasons to Do Your Workout Today:
By Susie Cortright
Need a little extra motivation to get moving today? Here's a quick list of the ways that today's workout will boost your mind, body, and soul.
· Improves the quality of your sleep.
· Burns fat.
· Boosts your metabolism.
· Charges your immune system for one to three hours after each workout.
· Increases your circulation.
· Eliminates toxins through the sweat glands and lymph system.
· Regulates blood sugar levels.
· Lowers blood pressure.
· Lowers cholesterol.
· Lowers your risk of stroke. Even low-intensity workouts, such as walking and biking, can lower this risk by 23 percent, the American Heart Association reports. A job entailing physical activity can lower it by 49 percent.
· Increases muscle mass.
· Strengthens your heart and lungs.
· Reduces your risk of various kinds of cancer, including breast cancer.
· Slashes your risk of developing coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Burning 2,000 calories per week in your workout and daily activities reduces your risk of heart disease by 40 percent.
· Helps you control anxiety.
· Provides an appropriate outlet for aggression and tension.
· Helps you lose weight. Exercise is critical to any weight loss strategy, and it may be an even more significant factor than diet. A study in Great Britain involved researchers tracking 1,000 female twins. Researchers considered all factors that might influence the women's weight, including smoking, hormone therapy, diet, and physical exercise. Physical activity had the most profound effect on weight. Even the women whose physical activity consisted of relatively low intensity exercises, such as golf and bowling, had less body fat--particularly dangerous abdominal fat.
Take the thunder! LOL This week I've been on a low rolling grumble.
I've been busy and haven't been to the gym since Monday. Could I have made time? did I truly have time to go? Yes and Yes. But I didn't. Just didnt feel motivated in that aspect this week. I've kept busy, been doing some dig in cleaning around the house, then yesterday went and spent the day at my moms trying to help her pack some things up for her move coming up in a few short weeks. Took some little walks. then today I get up and I'm like, "I don't want to go to the gym today either". But, I'm going to make myself. I just can't keep letting the days go by and not do it. Poor excuses for sure.
I was getting some breakfast this morning and I saw my three pics I have on the fridge of the "old" me and I said to myself, "You need to go to the gym, you don't want to look like that again". But it didnt really help. There before me stood 3 pics of me really looking bad. Two face pics with that mass of fat under my neck and one of me sitting spread out across the room (sorry I know we shouldnt say that stuff about our old selves) but I look BAD!! And as I said to myself I didnt want to look like that again, it really didnt help. I then thought, "Its not helping you that you just said that to yourself. You think you can get away with another day of not going to the gym, or maybe not making the best food choice. You think because you had the surgery it'll be ok, that you're going to lose either way. So you're just going to keep playing around thinking it's ok".
Funny the things we think huh? But I know it's not ok. I know I cant keep letting days slip by. I need to go to the gym, so I'm going to make myself go today. The weekend is here and I have things to do tomorrow, so know I won't make it then. Not sure on Sunday yet.
Hope everyone is doing well and keeping motivated and movin to lose.
I'll be honest, as of right now, I'm not gonna like it, but I'm takin my arse to the gym this morning!!! And I hope as usual that once I'm there and I come back I'll be super glad I did. I always feel better. It just seems this past month or so its been so much tougher getting there. Someone had suggested to me it may just be because its Winter time, its so much colder out and one just wants to stay in the house and keep warm.
Have a great day, talk to you later.

Hi Ruth Ann.
Well, I have only exercised once this week. What has it done to me mentally? Let me tell you...I feel fat. I mean, I have caught my reflection in the mirror or glass over the past couple of days and it is just UGH! I am appalled by my thighs and hips. I looked at myself this morning and could totally see me back at 275 lbs before surgery. I didn't see myself as 184 lbs at all. I haven't for a few days. I could have taken time to get up and at least do my strength training but I didn't. I stole 45 minutes more of sleep. To top it all off, I have been eating so much. I mean, I am hungry all the time. I can't seem to get full. I am doing pretty good at my food choices but the amount I am eating seems to be a lot. I was able to eat almost all of a subway chicken wrap! I at about 3/4ths of it. What is going on? I need to get my butt exercising again because I think it helps me to feel better about myself and to not eat as much.
You're right. We can't think that one more day without exercise is okay. Because one more day happens the next day and the next day and so on. I am going for a walk today!!
Hugs, Robin
It is so funny how we all go through the same things and at about the same time! LOL Yes we are all humans therefore the same, but also so different, but I am feeling the could eat all the time thing too. I have felt the past few days like I eat and then an hour later I feel I want to eat again, its been a struggle. I'm trying today to re-evaluate what I am eating, exactly how much, when and why. I dont think I can be successful in the long run if I continue on the path I am now. No, Im not eating outrageously but it is more than we could and a bit more snacking than I think I should be. I fear just having the desire to eat is bad, that it will cause me failure. Sucks really. I keep trying to think that maybe I/we are not eating all that much but it just seems like a lot becuase it is more than we could the first few months. That it is a normal process, we just now have to make the right decisions on what we are eating of those "normal" portions. 3/4 of a wrap isnt really that bad if you think of it in "normal" terms. that is depending on whats inside it. Ie" chicken, veggies, etc sound good, healthy, so 3/4 wouldnt be bad. Now having fries, regular beverage, chips etc with it, is bad. So a healthy 3/4 wrap shouldnt hurt anyone for a meal.
I did go to the gym and I enjoyed it very much, just as I always do. Its just been tough gettign there as of late. The second I was in the building I was pumped. So its just going to be one of those things (exercise) that I/we have to say its just something we HAVE to do and go to it. It is sort of a life or death situation if you think about it. We did this to save our lives and if we want to keep it that way we NEED exercise. If we fail to keep our metabolisms up, keep our muscles toned, our hearts in healthier shape we are going to die. Sure not tomorrow hopefully!!!! but sooner than we should, with less quality of life along the way.
Now, that doesn't mean there arent going to be days, lets say a day here or there that you just really need to take the time off, but you just cant ever stop doing it. And remember the longer you dont exercise the more you won't! So let's all keep it going!!
*Hugs* to all!!!

Helps you control anxiety.
· Provides an appropriate outlet for aggression and tension.
UGH see i have not gotten to the gym all week because i am working the book fairr at school evrday from 8:30 to 4:30 and boy do I need to let some steam off LOL...some parent yikes...they forget I am a parent too and am just volunteering like they should be.....anyway....I have to get out and do something this weekend...we have swimming planned for Sunday...i'll have to see what I can sqeeze in saturday...maybe bowling.
Hiya Barb. Thanks for this information. I find it difficult to stay motivated in the exercise category sometimes. I've done fairly well this week with making it to the gym four times. I feel so much better when I do go, but sometimes it's hard to drag myself out of bed!
I'll try to remember these reasons the next time I don't want to get out of bed!
Happy Friday!
- Stephanie