Burping episodes
Lately I've been having these burping episodes. The pressure in my pouch HURTS, and I burp for about an hour straight!
It happens mostly after I have my usual protein shake. I have used the same protein for months now, and I sometimes change up what fruit I put in it. Always a banana, sometimes strawberries or other frozen berry fruits. But it seems no matter what, I'm getting burping episodes. The only difference may be that I had it too close to a previous meal? Like I ate a small dinner (1 chicken taco), then 1 1/2 hours later I made the protein shake...
I guess that has to be it... I used to have the protein shake as a meal, hours off from other eating. I guess 1 1/2 hours is too close together. I'm just trying to get the protein in...
Ok, I guess I solved my problem through this typing
LOL I need to space the protein shakes out further from dinner.
Rebecca M.

Hi Rebecca.
I get burping episodes nearly every time I eat. It's really bad if I have fruit, dairy or anything with sugar in it. I take GasX to help minimize the problem. It works for me. I am trying to get more protein in as well. I try to space out my meals every 4 hours. That way I am not overstuffing myself.