Morning marchers I need your help again????????
I posted the other day about having a cold which I still Have and you all were so helpful with what I can and can't take! But I've tried so many things and not much is working tried sudafed which used to work great but now nothing tried theraflu works but only for like an hour, tried clod pills decongestion pills and nothing
tried Affrin and so far not bad but it's giving me that floaty head feeling! so My question is this for all of you who have had a cold since surgery have you found the medicines you used to take not working and if so what did you find that would help your symptoms I've had this darn cold for almost a week and it takes for ever to get in to my PCP?
Help Please!!!!

You know what Hailey, I was sitting here thinking about your question and realized that I haven't had a cold in forever! I get a stuffy nose from time to time because of allergies but not bad enough that I need to take anything for it. So sorry I can't help. Maybe you could ask your local pharmacist. They might know something you can at least look into taking. Can you put a call into your Doc's office to ask? Surgeon's office?
I hope you get to feeling better soon. Cold's typically run a course of 10-14 days so hopefully you are halfway over it now.
Hugs, Robin
I live next to a river with bad allergies, therefore I (as well as most of my area) spend quite a bit of the year sick. I take Nyquil and Dayquil, but my favorite is Ziacam because it's the strongest. Afrin is really good but unfortunately it is EXTREMELY addictive. I speak from experience!! The only problem is if you have an infection these may help the symptoms, but they won't make it go away. I hope you get to feeling better soon!