I have a question for you Marcher's?
I have a cold or something like that you know the usual stuffy nose, sore throught light fever, achey all over! This is the first time I've been this kinda sick since surgery and am not sure what (if any) over the counter medicicines I'm not aloud to take and as I've said before my surgeon relocated at the end of June to a different state so I'm on my own! I used to just take some Sudefed or Theraflu but wasn't sure if it was ok to! So my question is this to any of you who know what over the counter cold medicine can I take and whicch ones should I avoid if any?????????
Thank you

You want to avoid any product that has ibuprofen, and time released. I had the same thing about a month and a half ago. I slept for almost 2 days straight! I took nyquil to help with the stuffiness and fever and pain. Chicken noodle soup helps too. I found reduced sodium, fat free soup that tasted liked cardboard, but it was the broth that helped, so you could probably make a homemade chicken broth to warm up the insides. I hope you feel better soon. Sleep is the best thing for you, so sleep as much as you can. Oh, benedryl is on the list of approved meds also. Just remember to stay away from the things I listed at top.