Did anyone look at Oprah today?
I try to catch her show when I can. Today she has 2 women on there. One admits to drinking up to 11 beers a day and the other admits to sleeping with men she doesn't know. Oprah just made a statment that she believes most people have WLS as a quick fix. I love her, but I totally disagree. Some folk have a lot of baggage and that is the real issue not the WLS. What do you think?
Nadine O.

she has all that and STILL yo-yo's ....but I agree some people do do it for the wrong reasons but that is with EVERYTHING in life...some people get married because everyone says they should, or because they are pregnant, or have another baby to "save" a marriage people make bad choices all the time and yes some people have WLS before thinking it through.
I only got to catch the last 15 minutes. You are right alot of pepole who have WLS have alot of baggae before the surgery that they think will get better or go away once they are thin. When that does not happen they do not know what to do since they can no longer turn to food they pick up some other vice. I think it is a good thing that some insurance companies are requiring patients do a 6 month or more supervised diet and have a psych evaul.
As much as I like Oprah, I was VERY disappointed at her attitude surrounding WLS. Sure, there are absolutely people who have the surgery before they're ready. But for the wrong reason? What better reason than to get in shape, look better, feel better, and most importantly - lead a healthier life?!?! Yes, some folks have issues that do need to be addressed before, during and after WLS. But to say that many who get the surgery are looking for a quick fix and are trading one addiction for another... well I just don't agree.
What I do agree with is an earlier post stating that with personal trainers, dietitians, and cooks she might not need WLS - but everyone doesn't have those resources. And even with those she has and continues to yo-yo and struggle.
Of course since half the plane****ch her show they'll be that many more people with misperceptions about WLS. UGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Ya know... I wasn't so upset about the show. It made me think about what I should be watching for.. as warning signs.
Yea... some people really don't think of it too much before they do it. Some people do see it as a quick fix. I've personally seen friends go thru "transfer addiction" and its not fun. I think, more than anything, she shed light on a very sad subject. I mean.. even Carnie Wilson, who has been one of the biggest spokeswomen of our community went through this.
Yes, it will give some the wrong perception of WLS patients and WLS in general.
I took from it things that I need to be watching for.. different addictions that may not be as healthy..
Just my 2 cents.

As far as "some" people have the wls for the wrong reason, meaning a quick fix, yes some do. They think that losing the weight will solve all their problems, make them happy, do this or that for them. This is basically what I got from her show. I did watch it and I took notes! LOL So if this gets long sorry! LOL
First woman: Says she likes to drink. Says she has raised her kids her family for 17 years, she feels she deserves to be able to go out and party. Then we find out she was physically, mentally, and verbally abused, plus date raped. She had major issues before surgery and did not deal with them. She ate, but now that she cannot eat she drinks. My opinion, what does this have to do with wls? Nothing! If she didnt have surgery and somehow just stopped eating badly and lost some weight on her own, she'd have moved to something else.
Carne: Again stated she had issues as a child due to her fathers issues. Then when she was in her group all the stress caused her to eat. So issues not dealt with.
Third woman: Never got any attention her whole life because she was overweight. Now she gets it and doenst know how to deal with it. I can see this one happening more than the others. All of a sudden you have lots of men paying attention to you, wanting you. You're the queen of the ball. She said it wasnt about the sex, she liked the attention. She made the comment that her and her husband were having difficulties, that she thought if she had the wls that her life would change, he would love her again, she'd be happy, she'd have all kinds of friends. But that didnt happen. He still didnt love her, and her life wasnt all that different.
That is the biggest misconception I think people have going into this surgery. Yes, your life will change. Lots of changes. But they may not be the changes you think the surgery will cure. It is not a cure for marital problems, shyness, lonliness, lack of friends, talent or whatever. You have to make those things, be those things no matter what size you are. Carnie said it best. You need support if you have issues, or even if not before, during and after the surgery. It is a big thing, it does change your life. She is right. But it does not fix your life. I saw a post the other day on the main board. A young woman asking that if/when she has her surgery will her husband want to have sex with her again. He stoped having sex with her and calling her names and not even kissing her after her gaining the first 5 lbs. Well Im sorry honey, if he doesnt love you thin or fat, and he's not loving you now, the surgery is not going to change that. And if he does start saying he loves you and has sex with you (after you had the surgery and lost weight) well I'd kick him upside the head and tell him to take a hike!
So my opinion of the show is basically that it should have just been about transferrence in general when someone has issues. All of the participants had issues in their life. Yes we al have some type of issues, but they had major things as I mentioned like marital problems, rape, physical, mental abuse. That is a far cry from someones whining issues because they are a brat (like me LOL) But the show should have just been to show how one needs to have support, get counseling, work out the issues, that they just wont go away and if you dont deal with them, then you will continue to hurt yourself and those around you.
OH Honey I agree, I have been up and down with my weght since I've been married and my sex life and marriage in general has gotten better but because I am putting forth more effort into it.....I am so one of those people if you didn't love me when I was fat I don't need you now....because the person insde is the same old gal.