Can you all finish a whole 2 slice sandwich?

(deactivated member)
on 10/24/06 10:35 am
I am scared, I can eat a whole peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Can the rest of you eat a whole sandwich whether it be ham& cheese, turkey or any sandwich? I can eat an entire filet o fish at McDonalds. Scary huh? I am stuffed as all get out but I can eat almost all of it until I get down to 1/2 then I can eat the rest of the top bun and the fish but not the bottom. I think I am forcing myself to eat and I am scared because lord knows I don't want to go back the grizzy bear I once was. I want to post my picture but I am scared that the lady on my job may see me and said I knew you had surgery (because I keep denying). I looked like a football running back and just don't want to go back but my habits are making me so weak and I don't know if I am stressed, bored, hungry or just a fool. Also, I am sorting clothes to give to Salvation Army and for every type of outfit, I am keeping a fat one. I am keeping 1 fat jeans, 1 fat sweat suit because that is all I will probably be able to fit in if I don't stop, 1 fat professional suit, about 15 fat pairs of underwear, 1 fat dresses and 2 fat capri pants. I think this is setting me up for failure because I am already planning on returning. This is so scary. I wonder if they could just remove my entire stomach. My doc told me before surgery that the new procedures that were being down reduced your stomach from every streching again. Lying no good money hungry surgeon. I really should be mad at me. Let me know how you are doing on both. If I don't answer everyone back for your post, I want to thank you now. You guys are my inspiration.
on 10/24/06 11:39 am - North Richland Hills, TX
Ya know.. I freaked myself out cuz the other day I ate an entire BLT on a white bakery slices. It bothered me because I have never eaten that much... but I was also Starving!! I've started getting back into the habit of drinking with meals, but only when I'm out... but ya know what... I NEED to stop that now!!! A McD's fillet of Fish is probably not the best choice for you.. but I'm not judging.. I don't always make the best choices either. I would suggest trying to eat things that are mostly protein and fiber.. it will fill you up a bit more than carbs.. but you already know that. If I could suggest... instead of seeing how much you can eat, go back to the bitter sweet basics... chew each bite.. until its total mush in your mouth. (30 times or more). That will take you longer, make your mind feel like you are eating more, and will give you time to realize the slow stops (yawning, talking, breaths... etc). When you feel those, you know your pouch doesn't really need anymore... and then.. STEP AWAY!!! I have to actually leave the break room at work, to make sure I don't sit there and munch. Also, on your clothes.. Girl!!! Don't set yourself up for that. Don't keep all those old clothes.. you AREN'T going to need them!! I just sold 14 pieces of clothing on EBAY.. and made almost 150 with shipping. I told people on Ebay straight up what I was doing... I stated.. Please help me buy clothes that fit me!!! I kept my biggest pants and shirt, to take pictures in after I get to goal weight. I had surgery a few days after you, I've dropped 112 lbs.. and 100 since surgery (as of Today). I weighed 384 before, 372 day of and weigh 272 now. I have started working out 4-5 times a week and it has really helped me. I'm losing a TON of inches, and gaining muscle mass. I've heard of them adding a band to your new pouch to keep it from stretching, but I'm not sure this is being practiced really yet. I hope this helps.. don't get too down, It's all gonna be ok, and this surgery does work.. you just need to stick to the surgeon's rules!! Keep your head up!
(deactivated member)
on 10/25/06 11:49 am
Do you know that I still chew my food to mush because I am so afraid of something getting stuck even though I don't think it will. I am working out at least 3 times a week using my treadmill and make myself burn 625 calories AT LEAST. I guess I am feeling a little frustrated as well. Thanks for your insite. Can you believe I am not drinking with meals yet because I am too scared. Funny the things I allow myself and the things I don't.
on 10/24/06 1:11 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
I can eat 3/4 of a sandwich far as clothes go, so far i have kept 1 pair of shorts because they were my absolute favorite...worn so thin there are wholes in the inseam from my legs rubbing.....they were the cotton spandex they won't ven stay up....sometimes i feel the same way as you...infact sometimes i know i eat too much because i pay for it the pain UGH, then I just hope the next day will be better and it usually is.
(deactivated member)
on 10/25/06 11:51 am
I so have to laugh at you because in the past, I could buy a pair of pants put them on go to the mall, dinner and a movie and buy the time I would have gotten home the friction and heat from all of that fat rubbing would have torn a whole right in my pants. My daughter would ask mom how did that hole get in your pants and I wuold tell her that my thighs had teeth and it didn't like the feel of the fabric so it would tear it with its teeth One thing I can say, I have never been sick, never felt sick, never threw up and have nothing but good things to say about this surgery except the fact that my gut well, I think it is expanding.
on 10/24/06 2:57 pm - Milwaukee, WI
Hi family I can't really eat bread or the bun off sandwiches, when I go to mcdonalds I normally get a double cheese burger and eat just the meat. Or if I make a burger at home instead of bread I use 2 piece of lettuce, as my bread. Buns and bread just don't sit right in my pouch.
on 10/24/06 10:02 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
I don't know, I haven't tried eating any sandwiches per se and definately haven't touched McDonalds. I just fear it will make me sick. I heard several people mention it over time just how bad McD's was for you so I've been able to avoid it. But I do love Wendys Chili, so that is my fast food of choice. The most I do bread wise is a 1/2 of a mini bagel, or half slice of regular toast. I'm no way perfect but just try to stay away from breads, pasta etc. I do eat a little rice probably once a week. The best I can suggest is that you just don't eat the bun. I know it's hard, but sometimes we just have to do things. Buy that fish sandwich if you want it, or if its your only choice, just pull off the bread and throw it away. The fish part should be a good size portion in itself. Try not to freak yourself out about it. You've eaten it, ok now move on. Don't continue to eat it. I don't think you stretched anything or ruined your surgery. You know what you should and shouldnt be eating. We all do. And we all have bad days and eat some things we shouldnt. But I think that is something we should be learning at this point. Its not about what we cant have, its just how much and how often. If you want the bread with the sandwich eat just half! See if that works. Just push the rest aside, cut it in half throw the other half out, or share the sandwich with someone else. I wish you luck, and throw out those old big clothes, you don't need them!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/25/06 11:54 am
You hit the nail on the head, "Its not about what we can't have its just how much and how often". If I practiced that rule I wouldn't feel deprived but could still eat in moderation. All things are good in moderation. Thank you.
Darlene X
on 10/25/06 1:02 am - Maricopa, AZ
I might be able to eat 1 slice of bread... I don't really eat bread, I buy whole wheat tortillas and make wraps instead.... better for you, less bread, more filling... meat, protein, the good stuff. Now are you eating the whole sandwich just because you can?? Just because you can doesnt mean you should. If you stopped at 1/2 a sandwich would you be satisfied... or still hungry? Are you eating for the sake of eating. Are you currently seeking therapy... sounds like you may need some help working through some issues and why your eating. Are you eating your protein first, filling up on that then having a little of something else? a PB sandwich is not a good food choice, it won't keep you full for long, really doesnt vhave great nutrition... why not make a wrap full of meat, cheese & veggies?
on 10/25/06 1:50 am - Ft Stewart, GA
I CAN eat 1/2 a begal or a slice of bread I CHOSE not to b/c I want my tool to work - sometimes I am mature and thorw it away myself and other times I am almost in tears and beg my guys to throw this away before I eat it. traveling for 2 weeks was horrible on me b/c I spent money to eat out and then had to throw away left over food off my plate - I need theraphy I am sure b/c it is hard!!!! what I do sometimes is to cut my meal in half to start with and get rid of the other half (I am talking sandwhiches here) I pull off the top bun (its bigger usally) and toss it and then I fold the rest in half and eat a few bites iwth the bottom bun ( I hate to feel deprived) then pull the meat out of the middle and toss the end of it. I can not eat a double cheese burger someone mentioned b/c they are to greasy - I mostly eat mcDs begals for breakfast or subway (get a salad with out lettuce and have them leave my meat/cheese whole so I get a plate with meat, cheese, a few onion slices, a couple of tomates and some cuks) or my all time favorite taco bell taco with beans instead of meat - I can eat about 3/4 of one of those when I am hungry now I don't drink while I eat b/c I am terifided of gianing wieght back - i wore tight size 16 womans jeans the whole trip b/c I could not wiegh - hugs danni 372/247/170
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