Drinking "normally"...

Darlene X
on 10/23/06 1:07 am - Maricopa, AZ
So after a bad water weekend, we came home last night after our family dinner... I was so thirsty! I poured myself a big glass of water, and proceeded to gulp down big mouthfuls, one after the other.... I didnt die, It didnt hurt... I was so happy I could almost cry! I proceeded to drink my 12oz glass in just a few minutes.... That was the first time since surgery I had even tried to drink normally.... Of all the things pre-surgery that I really missed... this was it, being able to drink down a big cool glass of water.... I can drink almost the same as pre-op now.... Anyone else the same? Darlene 338/206/170
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/06 1:39 am - PA
Me too! I actually showed my hubby the other night. I made him watch me and when he didn't get it, I told him I couldn't do that a afew months ago. Usually if I am really thirsty and its room temperature, I can drink down water pretty quickly. No more days of "I can't possibly drink all tha****er!" I still hate crystal lite and diet drinks, but decaf coffee feels good too. (and I HATED coffee before surgery.) Kathy
Darlene X
on 10/23/06 4:33 am - Maricopa, AZ
Im still strugling getting my water in.. its more of a mental thing though... drinking water has become a chore and I just don't wanna do it!! But Im hoping this new advance will make thing easier so I won't have those days either.
Courtney B.
on 10/23/06 1:53 am - Lancaster, CA
I thought I was never a big gulper before surgery, but now that Ive sipped for 7 months, I realize that I must have been somewhat. I can now gulp down alot at once too. Makes it easier to get fluids in, since Im bad and get MAYBE 2-3 16.9 oz bottles a day. However, I do feel it for a minute and its uncomfortable, but doesnt hurt. If its really cold, then it does hurt, but only for a few moments. YAY! Courtney
on 10/23/06 3:05 am - , NC
Yes! I noticed that too! And thank goodness because I've never been a drinker so I try to get it over with as quickly as I can.
on 10/23/06 4:53 am - Inland Empire, CA
I've been able to gulp for a couple months now. Thank goodness b/c it made getting my water in less of a struggle! I know how you feel, I also really missed being able to chug my water too! I can chug a 16oz bottle in like 10-15 min thank goodness, sipping was so tedious! Here's to your chuggin! lol
Darlene X
on 10/23/06 5:00 am - Maricopa, AZ
Its so hot here in AZ during summer I used to down a 20oz bottle of water in just a few minutes... Slowly and surely its coming back--- hopefully by next summer I can down my water again
on 10/23/06 6:43 am - Columbia, MD
Drinking normally sure helps get the water in. Sipping I always felt like I had to keep the water at my mouth 24/7 just to get it all in. Now that I can take normal swallows I seem to have better control getting all my water in. Not that I get ALL my water in yet but I am working on it. Robin
on 10/23/06 8:48 am - Cincinnati, OH
I can't drink that fast yet. Maybe soon. I noticed the colder the stuff the harder it is to drink and grouch the pouch doe not like real cold stuff. Grouch loves coffee though--decaf. I put in like 3 table spoons of pumkin spice coffee and it has caffeine in it. MJ
Darlene X
on 10/23/06 8:50 am - Maricopa, AZ
See Im the total oposite--- the colder the water the better-- I need my water to be ice cold or I have a hard time getting it in. I freeze bottles and take them to work so i have frozen cold cold water all day.
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