And away goes the scale...

Darlene X
on 10/23/06 1:03 am - Maricopa, AZ
So I am lame.... for 7 months I have weighed myself EVERY SINGLE DAY (Ok with exception to 2 weekends we went away and I didnt have acess to a scale-- so it wasnt by choice)... I was cleaning this weekend, my Sister in law, her husband and 2 month old baby are moving in with us this coming weekend, so I was getting things in order... I decided finally to put the scale away... gone are the days where it was fun to see the scale drop 5lbs overnight... weighing was an obsession for me.... I put the scale in the closet... and I didnt weight Sunday or today... and amazingly I don't miss it. I'll weight on Saturday morning or something.... Im getting close to Onederland so I want to know when that happens.... but I don't need to be a slave to the scale anymore.... Darlene 338/206/170
on 10/23/06 1:48 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I hear you on the scale thing. It was a relief all week in Toronto that I wasn't getting weighed daily. I truly did feel the weight off my shoulders of not being drawn to it every morning. There was a scale in the gym but I was able to stay away from it. I did have a thought of worry though that Id come home and not lost and I would have freaked. LOL But luckily with all the walking I did. I'd like to weigh less often but Im just not ready, yet. Good luck!!
Courtney B.
on 10/23/06 1:49 am - Lancaster, CA
Im the same way. I was weighing daily for a while there, but after my 6 month visit in which the dr said the loss will slow to about 5 lbs a month, I decided its not worth it anymore. And he wasnt lying! I have weighed maybe 1-2 times a week since the beginning of my 7th month and I am actually plateaued right now. Im fine with it tho. Its not a concern. Even if I was to stop losing now, I would be SO happy with my progress. I got in a size 12 jeans the other day. They are hard to zip up with my belly fat, but I got them on! Thats the progress Im looking for now, not lbs lost. Courtney 271/ 254/ 175/ 140
Darlene X
on 10/23/06 4:35 am - Maricopa, AZ
CONGRATS!!! Size 12 jeans is like "goal" for me... I can't wait to get into that size.
on 10/23/06 3:01 am - , NC
Wow! I think we should all stage a revolt! It amazes me how a piece of machinery has the power to control my mood SO much! You are going to have a full house, Darlene! It'll be great living with your niece too. They grow so much their first year and it's really cool to watch their progression. Living with babies is so much different than visiting with them. After seeing the sleeplessness and exhaustion, you might even decide to wait to start your own family! Do they know how long they'll be staying?
Darlene X
on 10/23/06 4:31 am - Maricopa, AZ
No set amount of time yet, probably a few months... my BIL needs to find a new job down here, and then they need to find a place... we are glad to have them (EJ's sister is almost 2 years post-op from Lap RNY).... Nothing would put me off starting a family, Ive waited almost 6 years already.. thats far long enough for me.
on 10/23/06 4:48 am - Inland Empire, CA
Good for you Darlene! I still weigh everyday too, but as more of a way to remind me I should still be in "diet" mode as opposed to getting lazy and slacking off. That's a really good point Courtney--it's not really worth it when we're only going to average a loss of 5#'s a month! Maybe I will consider putting it away too. I'm to the point where it doesn't aggravate me anymore, I do it as a check and balance to keep me focused. In the past when I DIDN'T weigh was when i would gain weight b/c it wasn't foremost in my mind and i would just slip into bad habits again. So we'll see.
Darlene X
on 10/23/06 5:02 am - Maricopa, AZ
Weighing frequently does keep us in check--- but daily I think is too obsessive LOL... water weight fluctuates, and so many other variables make daily weighing not very accurate anyway... Personally Im gonna go to once a week weighing now
on 10/23/06 6:40 am - Columbia, MD
I get on the scale every morning right after I put my clothes on. I like the numbers I see and even though I don't see the lbs dropping like in the beginning I am glad I can see if I am going up, staying the same or going down. Daily is probably a bit much but for me it keeps me in check and it keeps me motivated to keep working. I read somewhere that people who weigh daily are more likely to keep the weight off since it's a constant reminder of where they are in their weight and where they want to be. If you are up a few lbs (water or whatever) then you will (supposedly) make better choices that day than if you didn't know you were up a few lbs. I don't know for sure and we are all different. For now the scale doesn't seem to affect my mood so I am still in to daily but perhaps soon I will give my scale the boot as well. By the way, you are so close to onderland. Be sure to holler loud enough so we can celebrate with you! You are doing an amazing job. Hugs, Robin
on 10/23/06 8:44 am - Cincinnati, OH
I think I have everyone beat on how many times I weigh. I weigh everyday 3-4x a day. Yep that's right 3-4x a day. Yep I am a slave to he scale. I really need to put it up or have someone take it away from me. It drives me freaking nuts being that obessive about it. Off to go swimming now and yep when I get back I will weigh to see if the scale happend to move. I am sick I know. MJ
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