Monday's forecast!
Good morning, as you can see I am back!! Bwhahahaha...
I was trying to catch up this morning on all the posts I missed and I see some notation of the weather, so I thought that this might be a good time for Meteorologist Monday! LOL
Yes, it may rain today, we may have gusty winds, even hail... or the dreaded FOUR letter word, but that is no excuse not to exercise! It is so easy to find an excuse not to do it. Even though I feel great these past few days after being away and getting in lots of walking, some exercise at the gym there and swimming each morning, I found myself this morning trying to find an excuse to stay home from the gym. ie: There is so much in the house to do, IT"S SO COLD OUTSIDE, or I need to organize drawers, cupboards etc, or telling myself I'll walk the dog later, or do something physical. But in the end maybe I would do those things, maybe I wouldn't. I know that I have to set the time aside to go to the gym, or set a specific time and exercise at home to do or it won't get done.
So.... I'm dressed now and ready to go to the gym. It is freezing out there, I dread going out in the cold, but even the weather cannot stop me! It's back to the old saying "JUST DO IT". and DO IT for you! No one else will do it for you. You body cannot exercise if you don't go to the gym, take that walk, etc. You body will just sit there in a slump, non moving, lifeless, toneless, weak and flabby... EWWW that's not what you want is it? No.. I didnt' think so. So get out there today and MOVE IT and you'll see that forecast turn around to BRIGHT AND SUNNY!!! Have a great day!

Hey RuthAnn.
I tried to talk myself out of working out this AM. I won! I got my butt out of bed and completed my strength training workout for lower body. It felt good. I am going on a walk at lunch today. It's chilly outside but I know I'll like the crisp fall air. Should be a sunny day here at least.
Enjoy moving.
Hugs, Robin
What are you now? The Poster Girl for the military men? Is your picture now on every locker a serviceman has? I bet your hubby is jealous when he sees your picture all over everywhere. The "Marilyn Monroe" of current day!!!! Seriously, your pictures are amazing - you look so good...I am jealous! Your kids are adorable also! Thanks for sharing! Barbara