I'm home!! :)
Hi everyone! We got home late last night by the time we picked up the cat and dog. Hope you all had a great week. Mine was FANTASTIC!!!
I uploaded a ton of pics, I think it ended up being like 88. LOL I have made a photobucket thing for just those. I'll put in the link, hope it works if you want to take a look. Most are of the castle I went to called Casa Loma. It is this castle a man had built in the early 1900s, he had been in Europe loved the castles, came back to the states and had it built. Well he ended up only living there for about 9 yrs. He has lost his business and finances and lost it all, ended up moving a few blocks away into a two bedroom apartment, then later had even more financial difficulties and ended up having to move in with his previous chauffer. So you just never know when you will have it and lose it all!! I dont recall the numbers but there were supposedly like 30 plus bathrooms, 50 some bedrooms, very outrageous, we didnt see them all, most things open but alot not, but you get a good idea of the place.
Let me say now that having WLS has given me the ability to really have a great time on this trip. I've been to Toronto before and many other places, but its' always been a hassle with wanting to see stuff, how far I could walk before I was *****y and miserable because I was so fat, But this was amazing. I walked and walked and walked for hours on end, some days up to 5 hours, I dont have any idea how many miles. When I thought about it as I did it, I would get a tear in my eye thinking of how amazing it was that I could just walk without any thought, no pain and just keep going and going!!
Daves company gave us the royal treatment, we got to the hotel and we had assumed we would be getting just standard accomodations. Nope! We got club level which meant top floors, we were on the 41 or 42, 41 being the room with the Presidential suite, 42 had the royal suite (royalty being higher t han President in Canada I guess ;) LOL) The 43rd floor was the club lounge floor which we had privelages too, which meant breakfast everyday, cheeses, croissants,fruits, eggs, bagels, toast, muffins, you name it.
Evening had an hor' doerve time from 5 to 8, with hummus, dips, veggies, cheeses, fruits , cant even remember it all. We got free passes to all the attractions, limo ride to the hotel and back to the airport. We had dinner in restaurants we would never be able to afford ( at least not on a regular basis!!) Italian, expensive steak house (and I might mention here, I'm sorry but no steak is worth $45 to $85 dollars!! that is just the steak and a potato) anything else was extra. YEs it was good, but I think that is just ridiculous. But I guess if you have the money its nothing to you. LOL We had dinner one night at the CN tower, that rotates, that was expensive also but very good. I l iked it better than the steak place. I was good overall, tried a taste of hubbys dessert here or there, had some 1/2 bagels in the morn with my protein, did lots of walking, took my vitamins, was a bit low on gettin g in my protein shakes, but I did well becasue I lost 5 lbs this week!! woohoo!
I think with all the walking, going to the gym or swimming every morning that I woul have been disappointed has I not lost a thing. LOL
Oh, we also had a visit from the Prime Minister at the hotel while we were there. There was some type of a conference / meeting/ awards thing, Jewish related and he came to speak. He was on ourfloor. We didnt gt to see him but we saw all the security and ear pieces LOL
We had dinner at the CNtower Wednesday night, but went back Friday morning before our flight so Dave could see it. I've been there before a few years ago, but he had not been. So we went in the morning so he could go up anbd stand on the glass floor, you can see in the pics.
The shopping there abounds!! So many store, so much underground. There are paths connected for miles. I think like 16 miles over all. Everything though also is VERY expensive. I was a bit dissappointed in the lack of plus size stores. I am in some XL's, theirs run smaller than ours,, so I did find a few things mostly t-shirt type, and got two really cute lighter weight type coats for a steal! But the ov erall stores are all designer and very expensive! I plan to head back there in a year or so when I get to a final goal and am steady. The culture there is so diverse, and very high fashion!
Oh and yes the seatblet fit! so that was cool,. I figured it would, or at least I hoped and it did, no problem
I'm trying to think of all the things I wante to say, If I remember more later I'll post again, as long as I dont bore you. LOL
I did have I guess a little identity crisis twoards the end of the week. I saw so many women in wraps, hats etc, they looked very chic. I was tempted to buy a wrap. I looked at several, tried them on and they looked fine, I guess. Hubby saiad they did, but I just couldnt bring myself to buy o ne, or a hat. I went back like 3 times to diff stores trying them on but just couldnt do it. It was like I felt wierd, i wasnt being me. But it is me. I love fashion and clothes. But being larger I never would have worn a wrap / a hat, i just felt i looked weird because so big etc. But now smaller I still felt like that, that I would look weird and like a clown that people would be seeing this big fat women wrapped in this wrap. Make sense?? It sucked, it was kind of depressing me on Thursday the day before we left becasue I couldnt make a decision to buy it, that I couldnt feel chic and pretty and stylish in it. But I talked to myself and wouldnt let me get myself down adn ruin what has been a great vacation!
So hopefully some day I will feel that I look right, that I look worthy of some really chic and hot stsuff!! LOL
Ok, I guess thats it for now. There's just so much that went on, it was great, but the best thing was all the walking I could do. It was just the biggest and best thing in the world that I could get around like I did and not hurt, and just keep going. I loved it!!
Heres the link to the photobucket page, hope it works, if not I'll try again! LOL

Wow! It sounds and looks like you had a great time! The pictures are AWESOME! I felt like I was there with you! I especially liked the ones of the glass floor where it looked like you would fall through, and the furniture pieces were so interesting. Well...they were all great! I might have to hit the hubby up for a trip there in the future.
Thanks for sharing!
Ruth Ann,
I am so glad you had a great time. It seemed that you needed to get away and get refreshed. I'm glad you were able to do all of that walking. It is so nice to have so many fewer limitations in our new bodies then we had before.
To a lesser extent, I can understand the clothes thing. I need to buy size 36 pants, but I just can't tell myself that I really can fit into them now. I am going to have to overcome that.
You were missed while you were gone and I'm glad you had a great trip.
Life is good, Rick
P.S. next week my wife and I get to go on a cruise so I am also looking forward to a little revitalization and relaxation.
Welcome home!!! You must have had a WONDERFUL time! Thank goodness for company trips, huh! Aaah, the luxury.. I can't believe tha****erfall! I just love the pic of you in that green top. It looks just as pretty and vibrant as you are
BTW, what ended up happening with the vites and protein powder? Did customs care?

We missed you and glad you are home safe and OK. I think this trip did a world of good for you, I was worried about you getting so down and you can tell by your writing that you had a wonderful time and are refreshed and ready to go!!!! The pictures were great and I enjoyed them. All that walking and not getting tired had to be a great thing for you. You looked wonderful in the pictures! Thanks for sharing, Barbara
Hi RuthAnn.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I am happy for you. And you lost 5 lbs! That is soo cool. I mean, who goes on a trip, eats out all the time and LOSES weight? Well, you do that's who!
I am sure that in time you will be able to see yourself differently when it comes to clothes and fashion. You are beautiful and you deserve to wear beautiful things. (within a budget, lol) In time it will get easier to accept who you are now and truly say goodbye to the old you. I keep telling myself that as well.
Hugs, Robin