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awwww shucks, barbara, you're always so sweet! Thanks for the kind words!
Yes, my dh had WLS 12/19/05 (we had the same dr.)--and the jerk got skinny in like THREE months! (lost 40# the first month alone!) Can you imagine following that!?!
I HAD to have it after he did, no way I could handle HIM being all skinny while I was still fat!!! lol
It's been really nice and helpful going thru this together.

Thank you SO much ladies for all your comments! You are all so supportive and wonderful! I truly thank you...I'm not worthy!
I have been so glad to be able to share this journey with all of you and our awesome board, the support and encouragement here has been immeasurable!
Have a great day all!

You are absolutely beautiful! It must be great that DH had wls too. I wish my hubby had surgery. However, he's done a great job losing weight just using portion control...50 in 7 months. Not bad. I still weigh 21 lbs more than him, but soon I'll weigh less than hubby. I can't wait!
Again, congratulations!