My baby turned 18 today!
YOU are TOO CUTE! Thank you for such a great compliment. We are asked everyday (no exageration) if we are sisters. Everytime we're at a store and she hollers out mom someone always says something about us not looking like mom and daughter. I have been married 20 years (this December) I had her 2 weeks after I turned there you have it. MY REAL AGE! LOL 38!!! I just turned 38 on the 2nd of this month. I claim I'm still 29 FOREVER so if you ask my 5 year old how old mommy is..she'll tell you 29! HAHAHAAA That would only mean I would have had to have Brytnee at age 11! LOLOL
The other day at my sons football game (he's a sophomore in high school) the man next to me what number is your brother?! I was like um......well you mean my son? LOL
I must admit that I love it and I love looking young. Thanks to my mom and her mom. My mom looks super young and you would never know my grandmother is in her 80's never in a million years she looks incredible!
Now if only there was a cure all for gray hair. I have to dye my hair every 6 weeks on the dot or else! That I got from my dad. He was completely gray in his 20's. Thank goodness I dont have much of it, but I dont like one strand of gray so therefore I color and highlight every 6 weeks! GRRRRRRRRR.
Thanks again for the compliment! Even though i'm an old goat now at least I can look young and now thanks to WLS I FEEL young again too. =)
Life is GREAT.
You don't look old enough to have a BABY that is 18! You and I are in the same boat! I had my daughter Rykiel right after my 20th b-day and she will be 16 next month! I have been married almost 18years and am 36. So you are just a few years ahead of me! BUT you look soooo much better than I do.
I have not aged well! You look good and I bet you feel as good as you loo****ep it up!
Amy I