1st Real WOW moment!
Okay so I take a belly dance class at the local rec. We are getting a little advanced and our instructor had us doing shimmy shakes for 3 minutes. She joked that she would make our hip scarves fall off. I am the only one in the class with real curves and that has yet to happen.
So I'm a shaking and the scarf goes nowhere but my lovely size extra large old navy sweats slipped right off my formerly morbidly obese a$$,.. Well Yea!!! for Me
I was not embarrassed but happy!,.. LOL
Anyway I also noticed on the way out that my shadow looked a lot smaller!
Look at me getting all

I go for the results today at 3pm,...
My doc thought that it was a fistula the limb had grown back to my old stomach and the food was going there. But when we were doing it the doc that did it said she did not see that so we ruled that out the same day. I was suppose to get results but My doc had an emrgency surgery and my appt got pushed back to this week. I'll let you know later today. Thanks for asking!
btw,... I think everything is fine otherwise he would have wanted me to come in alot sooner.