I'm having surgery and need some advice...

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 4:21 am - Baltimore, MD
Has anyone had to have any surgery since having their Gastric Bypass? If so, how has it affected your eating habits or slowed down your weight loss if at all? I have to have some pretty large uterine fibroids removed by C-Section incision and besides being scared to death of the pain, I am really nervous that since I will be out of commission and not able to exercise as I've been that my weight loss will slow to a halt. I'm thinking I should decrease my calories during that time as well as increase my protein but besides that I'm not really sure what else to do to speed up my recovery while trying to continue to lose. Any suggestions? Since I don't have any children yet I'm not a candidate for the less invasive laparoscopic surgeries as they compromise your fertility. Ladies - how long did it take you to recover after your C-Sections? How long did it take you to get up and really walk (for exercise) again? Thanks in advance for any suggestions on the post-surgery diet, how soon I can exercise, or what I can do to alleviate some of the pain! I don't go in until Nov 17th but I want to have all the info I can have before then. Thanks so much, Monica
Amy I.
on 10/11/06 5:05 am - KS
Monica, I know exactly how you are feeling! I just had a major hernia surgery. The hernia was not at the belly button but at the top of my RNY insision. This thing was huge! The hernia insision was the same one that my wls one was. The whole way up and down. I had the same concerns that you are having. However; let me tell you that if you can do WLS than this will be a piece of cake! I have also had two c-sections and they were nothing like WLS! (You should see my stomache it looks like an upside down T) You will be fine! My appetite has not come back and I am actually eating less than before my hernia surgery.I have lost 8 pounds since the 29th of Sept. But be warned you will come out of the hospital heavier than when you went in. I had 10 pounds of water weight gain when I left, but it came off very easy. Walking is the easiest and the safest way to exercise! Just like when you first had WLS walk, walk, walk! I hope this has helped you. Let me know how you are doing! Amy I
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 7:24 am - Baltimore, MD
Thanks so much Amy! You have no idea how much anxiety I have about this upcoming surgery and it's a month away! So it's only been a few weeks for you since you had such major surgery - how are you feeling? Are you starting to feel back to normal? Something else I forgot to write about in my original post was the post-surgery gas pains! OMG - I had TERRIBLE gas pains the day after I was released and they didn't subside until early that next morning. I couldn't get any sleep or anything b/c they were so intense. What did you take if anything to relieve it? Thanks again and I hope you are feeling better! Monica
Amy I.
on 10/11/06 9:33 am - KS
Monica, I feel pretty good. I was up and moving around in the hospital that night I didn't even use the morphine drip! I had some discomfort with gas but I took Milk of Mag. and it went away. I tend to get constipated. It did not take me very long to get over my c-section either, about a week is all. Now that I look back it was a breeze compared to WLS! Amy I
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 9:39 am - Baltimore, MD
Thanks Amy. You have truly helped to calm some of my anxieties and fears. I'm glad you are feeling better! Talk soon! Monica
Courtney B.
on 10/11/06 7:47 am - Lancaster, CA
I dont have any suggestions on the diet, but even after a c-section, they want you to move. Granted you wont be able to do pilates, but walking is normal. Just continue to walk and make sure they know not to give you any kind of sugar in the hospital. Ive had 2 sections and was moving normally after 2 weeks. Normal for me then was from the bed to the couch to nurse the baby. Give yourself the full six weeks to recupe and after that you should be good. Hope its fast, painless and doesnt stop your weight loss. Courtney
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/06 8:41 am - Baltimore, MD
Hi Courtney. Thanks for reminding me to tell them about not being able to have sugar, I hadn't thought about that. Thanks for the well wishes - I'll let you all know how I make out. Monica
on 10/11/06 11:53 am - Cincinnati, OH
I do lnow you want to incease your protein before your surgery as well so you can heal faster (protein helps you heal). You might also want to discuss any changes in your diet with your nut. No clue on C sections since I do not have kids either just wanted to wish you well and a quick recovery. MJ
Stephanie Smiles
on 10/12/06 11:30 am - My Town, NH
Hiya Monica. I don't have any words of wisdom, just wanted you to know that I will be thinking about you on November 17th! Does your bariatric surgeon's office have any tips for how best to prepare your body? - Stephanie
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/06 3:30 am - Baltimore, MD
Thanks a bunch Stephanie! I appreciate it. I plan on calling them before my surgery and will see what they have to recommend if anything. Thanks again, Monica
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