Airplane worries!

on 10/9/06 9:20 pm - Nashua, NH
Well, I have been gone for a few days as we have had some fun trips. Weekend before last we went to Washington, DC to help my daughter move into a new apartment. We drove the truck and took the pugs! We went on Friday and came home on Monday. I was a "house of fire" - I kid you not - helping with the move! I was up the stairs (she lived on the 3rd floor - no elevator) and down the stairs on Friday and Saturday and feeling no pain - helping her move her "stuff"! She did move to an apartment on the first floor, but on Sunday I went all day helping her unpack - and I had the energy to do so! Hard to believe I could keep up with my 26 year old daughter, but I did! Then this past Friday we flew to Houston, TX to visit my stepson and his wife. This was the first time I have flown when I was hoping no seat-belt extender would be needed. We got to the airport and I had that "sick" feeling in my stomach....what if I don't fit....what if I have to ask for an extender...what if......- well this is the big "what if". A year ago we flew on Southwest Airlines. We tried to check our bags outside the airport and were told we had to check inside...I couldn't figure out why. It seems as though the baggage handler outside determined I was too big for the seat and he put some kind of "notice" on the computer (I figured out later). So we go inside and hubby checks the baggage and we proceed to the gate. I am sitting there and an employee at the check in desk announces on the loud speaker for me to report to the check in stand. Yep - you guessed it - when I got there she informed me I would need to purchase 2 seats to fly. I was MORTIFIED....I felt like the entire waiting area was hearing her conversation - which of course they were not. She was very professional but insistant I couldn't fly without purchasing 2 seats. I said I would be sitting next to the window and my husband in the middle and I would roll the fat over to his seat and not bother the person on the aisle. NO DEAL....couldn't go unless I purchased another seat...which ultimately I did. It still causes me nightmares! I was so embarrassed for myself and my husband - even though the sweetheart he is never said anything about it. So this time I am saying...what if they do this again...even though I am 100+ pounds smaller than the Southwest flight. We were flying Northwest this time, but how was I to know they might not do the same thing? So I get those butterflies in my stomach - bags go right through - no body saying anything yet. They call our flight and we start to the thinking...are they going to stop me? I get on the plane...more butterflies...will the seat belt fit? Nerves are jumping...husband is telling me I am crazy...what is going to happen I wonder? I take my seat....grab the seat belt - ever so slowly - eyeing it's proportions all the time...thinking about my what was once my big ole fat body....take the belt in my right hand, the other end in my left...HANG ON...OMG it not only fits, I have to pull the belt tighter to "fit snuggly around my hips"!!!! I am husband said I am like a nutcase cause there was no way it wasn't going to fit!!!! I didn't quit smiling until I got to Houston from NH!!!! It was such a "no-brainer" thing for most people, but astronomical for me! Why is it you can't immediately see the smaller self? There was room in my seat...I didn't have to roll over my fat to my husbands side of the seat...unless of course I wanted to snuggle up to him! Then - on the return trip- you would think those old insecurities wouldn't pop up again, BUT....when we initially booked the flight, we couldn't get adjoining seats on the return trip. So 24 hours before we left you could purchase seats in the exit row if available for $15. So I go online and decide to move us to the exit row seats...all the time thinking - people will look at me and say...can that "fat" woman really get that door open???? But, I think back on the trip there and the trip to DC and all the moving and say..."HELL YEAH...I can throw that door"! BUT as I am booking the seats together there is a notice saying "No seat belt extenders can be used in exit row seats". Now I am thinking...I know I didn't need a seat belt extension going 3 days before...I have eaten all things correctly while I was gone....BUT what if I can't get it buckled and we are humilitated infront of all the passengers on the plane because we have to be moved. Why do I think like that? But as you have guessed by now...we board the plane...buckle the seat belt...and I had to PULL it tighter! But those old same butterflies seemed to surface again...guess it will take a while to consider myself not a large person anymore! And the best part was getting home and having lost another 2 pounds which puts me over the 100 pound lost category which was time for great celebration! I am going roller coaster riding next! Hope everyone is well...isn't this the best journey? Barbara (fits in a plane fine now and can throw the exit row door and it!)
on 10/9/06 10:39 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
WOO HOOO I am so excited for you! I can feel your excitement!! Missed you by the way !! Mimi
on 10/10/06 12:20 am - Nashua, NH
Thanks my sister from another mother! Have a good week!
on 10/9/06 10:41 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Great story Barbara! And before I continue, WTG on the 100 lb mark!!! Congrats!!! I love your story, but..... but now you got me nervous. LOL Seriously! I am flying to Toronto on Saturday for the week with DH on a business trip and not fitting, needing an extension never even came to mind. I have been more worried about customs and taking my protein powder and all those vitamins, wondering how detained we'll be wondering why I'm hauling all this stuff. lol We'll be there 7 days, so that's a bit o'stuff. But the seats and belts haven't come to mind, now I'm wondering. I know I'll fit in the seat and not spill over. My bottom half was never my problem (but did need a belt extender, but wide wise I just fit in the seat) I was much broader across the shoulders and always kind of turned my shoulder away from the person next to me, held my arm over kind of. So fitting in the seat I think I'll be ok on, but not sure I'll get away with no seat belt now, got me thinking! It is also this smaller plane, which is a litte scarey, but the flight is only a little over an hour I think. By the time we're up and shaking, we'll be going down(landing) shaking. LOL It's one of those ones that holds like 36 people I think DH said. Why the don't have big jumbo jets going to Toronto I don't know. LOL Anyways... I'll let you know how it goes. DH did call some Canadian type customs place yesterday from work and they said that Im fine with the protein powder as long as it's not over 20 kilos which he said equals like 44 lbs. I don't think I'll need that much for the week. LOL And I'm not taking all the diff vitamins in their individual bottles, I'd need a whole other suitcase lol, so I'm thinking we're going to get some questions and detained a few minutes at least. We shall see. DH says more likely not going in to Canada, but trying to come back. So maybe what I'll do is be sure to not take any extra, so that I have nothing like that to bring back. Sounds like an exciting WOW experience for you Barbara, you can hear the joy in your voice, good for you!!!
on 10/10/06 12:22 am - Nashua, NH
I think you will do fine Ruth Ann....but that is a small plane - only 36 people! We flew Continental not too long ago and you have to pack everything under the plane - so maybe they won't give you too much grief about the vitamins and protein powder. I hope you have a wonderful time - and hurry back to keep us exercise motivated! Barbara
~ Stylz ~
on 10/9/06 11:29 pm - North of Boston, MA
(((((hugs))))) I'm so proud of you that my eyes watered reading your story!! Congrats on no seatbelt extender, congrats on helping with the move and keeping up with her and congrats on 100+ lbs loss!!! heres to my surgery buddy
on 10/10/06 12:23 am - Nashua, NH
Thanks my surgery buddy! Talk to ya soon!
Amy I.
on 10/10/06 2:02 am - KS
Barbara! "HELL YEAH!" You Rock! you silly girl! You had an eventful weekend! Seatbelts and weight loss! Be proud of yourself! Amy I
on 10/10/06 10:45 pm - Nashua, NH
If only I was in a size 12 - I would have never worried about it! Of course I didn't have a 50 pound hernia removed!
Amy I.
on 10/11/06 12:50 am - KS
Lets get it right it was 55 pounds! That sucker was huge! I felt like I was going to give birth! I hope that you don't get one! We would have to name it Cessna 747! Here's to both of us! Love Ya Amy I
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