Good morning :)
Hi everyone. It's Monday and a new week has begun. I think mine is going to start off a bit slow. Not feeling too well today, so going to skip the gym. Was really feeling yucky Friday felt like I had the flu or something. Running to the bathroom, just felt weird and achey. Weekend wasnt too bad, but today just blah. So Im getting ready to go take a nice long hot soak in the tub and relax for a bit. Then start sorting through clothes and getting stuff ready for our trip this coming Saturday to Toronto. Can't wait for that. Have lots to do with that getting all Daves work clothes pressed and ready so he looks smashing!!
Might throw on a little Richard Simmons later depending on how I feel or take the puppy for a walk. But I'll do some type of exercise today.
Hope you have had a good weekend and make the upcoming week a movin' one!! Have a good day!

(deactivated member)
on 10/9/06 1:09 am - PA
on 10/9/06 1:09 am - PA
The weather is cooler here today. Very fall like. I can't go to the gym today - no time, but I will probably take a leisurely stroll around the track at lunchtime.
I figure anything is better than sitting on my rear surfing the internet at lunch.

Good morning. A nice hot bath sounds really good right now. I am cold to the bones here at work and ready to get outside where it's supposed to be nearly 80 today. Yay. I am trying a new routine. I am getting up at 5 AM to do my conditioning exercises, lower body one day, upper body the next and abs all days. Then I am going to do cardio, walking, bike, or curves, at lunch or in the evenings. I hope this will help me get in all my exercise. It's just too much to do all at once. It's hard to find 1 1/2 hours were I can do 40-50 min of cardio and all my strengthing too.
A little is better than none! I hope you are feeling better soon. Be good to yourself today.
Hugs, Robin