Tuesday toning thought......

on 10/2/06 10:46 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Things do not change; we change. ~Henry David Thoreau Good morning! It's time to start our day. Some of you may be way out there already so we'll catch up! LOL I saw this quote this morning and thought how appropriate it was to us. (Kathy** hope you don't mind, it kind of made me think of our posts/discussions yesterday) If we think about it, things around us don't normally change, we change, or we find we must change.. we must change if we want to reach a particular goal, whether it be in weightloss, exercise, or any aspect of our lives. It's like the old saying.. If you want something done right you need to do it yourself. People, places and opportunities aren't necessarily going to change/happen for us, or make things more convenient for us, sometimes we need to make it change, make it work. So we need to think about that when we know we should exercise, but think we don't have the time, or the means. Any amount of effort we put forth, even if we can only take out 15 minutes of our day for a little walk, do some stretching and bending, take the stairs instead of the elevator, will add up. All added steps count! Think about where in your day you truly can just take out a few minutes to change up your day. Where can you change the way your daily rountine goes. In time you will see the change that CHANGE can create. Change is good! Keep it interesting, keep it fun. THey don't call us emerging butterfliess for nothing! I'm off to the gym. Have a great day!
(deactivated member)
on 10/2/06 10:56 pm - PA
Ruth Ann! Guess what. Yesterdays postings really made me think too. I sat back and took a long hard look at everything. I got really disgusted with myself. Last night I made dinner for two nights ahead and I asked my hubby if he could start picking my daughter up from daycare after work. So now Its ok if I get home later than them becasue everything is already taken care of. I brought my gym clothes to work so I could take a casual walk at lunchtime and so I can head straight to the gym at 5 PM. It makes sense. I would have spent some of the hour after work sitting in 5 o'clock traffic anyway, so I might as well just park my car and workout. Thanks for starting this daily post. Hopefully this is the beginning of a lifelong habit! Love you guys! Kathy
on 10/3/06 1:06 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Wow! Good for you. That sounds like a great plan. Now remember, if you haven't been exercising, don't jump in too hard and hurt yourself!!! You'll be miserable and won't want to go back! lol Good luck with your new exercise regime!! Enjoy!
on 10/3/06 1:13 am - Columbia, MD
What a good topic...Change. I know that if I just give it a little thought I can think of LOTS of things I need to change and most of them are totally in my control to change as well. My eating has been really bad. I am just not hungry, can't stand protein drinks and most of my food is just not appealing. I am beginning to wonder if that is why the scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks. Yep, three weeks without a single lb lost. It totally sucks. I don't know what is going on. This morning I tried to fix a protein smoothy. It is one that I like and since I stocked up on my protein powder I thought I would go back to my shakes every morning. Well, today while making the shake my blender broke! So no shake. No biggie...I thought. Well, I decided to bring some of my "natural" otherwise known as flavorless, protein powder and add it to my weight control oatmeal. Well, that was so very nasty that I almost threw-up the only bite I took. Then, with no other good breakfast options around I ate half of a poppyseed muffin. That hurt my stomach and made me nauseaous. Someone had a birthday breakfast with some great egg dishes. I tried two bites of that and my stomach said NO way. So I am thinking that I just won't be eating today. Whenever I have a rough morning with food and get sick to my stomach first thing in the day, I usually can not eat the rest of that day. I am getting very discouraged. It's just so frustrating to not see the scale move for over THREE weeks. I feel at times that I am starving, not enjoying what I do get to eat and working out like a fiend only to see no progress! It's hard to take. However, seeing what you wrote about change, perhaps I need to change a few things. My attitude for one. I am so afraid that this is going to be it for the weight loss. I want so badly to lose a minimum of 30 more lbs (50 more is my goal) and if I don't lose anything for weeks at a time, I may never reach my goal. Then I worry that if I don't lose any more, how long will I be able to maintain what I have lost. So I know that my thoughts and attitude need an adjustment. Sometimes we need to believe and then we will see. I also need to change my eating habits. I need to get more purposful about planning ahead and making sure that I have good choices around me. I need to track my eating on a consistent basis and make a good habit of doing that so I know where every bite is coming from and how I am doing with my protein. I don't want to bore y'all with the many other needed changes that come to mind. I will take one or two at a time and work on those. It can be overwhelming if I try to focus on too much. Did 15 min of my lateral thigh trainer this morning and will be doing another good walk and workout session this evening. Hugs, Robin
on 10/3/06 12:22 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
I LOVE this I am making positive changes in my though patterns - no more saying even jokingly how fat I am b/c I AM NOT FAT ANYMORE I am smaller and healthery and getting more so each and every day I posted about my new habit - I have a treat of chocolate protien in the evenings now instead of ONE peice of dark chocolate each night - about twice as many calories in the protien drink but a decent taste (had to mix protien powders to get a good chocolate taste) but something like 20 TIMES the protien and it is something I need daily anyhow hugs all danni 372/252/170
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