Do you see your new size in the mirror?
Danni, you prompted this posting. The words out of your mouth were the same ones in my mind. Im hoping we are not the only ones. OK.....who does not see the "NEW YOU" in the mirror? Who sees the preop body looking back at you? I am down 98 pounds and I am now wearing a size 12 (YES< I SAID 12!!!!) so the size and the scale are telling me Im losing weight BUT I dont see it in the mirror. I am soooooo happy with my weight loss, I feel wonderful and have more confidence than I ever imagined possible, but the weirdest thing is NOT SEEING THE LOSS yet. I want to hear that alot of Marchers are feeling this way. I just find it so strange, and Im not complaing cuz Im damm happy but the whole phenomenom is soooo strange of not seeing the loss through our eyes??!!!
Sometimes yes sometimes no. Sometimes Fat Oprah stares back at me--Other times it's Skinny Oprah there
I've been having the strangest time! Sometimes I feel really fat and it takes a minute to realize--i'm not that fat anymore.
For instance, I bought some size 14 jeans the other day, tried them on at the store and everything and when I went to put them on at home I held them up and thought "Oh no, I grabbed the wrong size! These are so small!" I looked and they were the 14's. But I still had to try them on b/c I didn't believe they would fit me.
Other times I feel really thin and think I look thin--until someone takes a picture and I'm astonished to find I STILL have TWO damn chins! WTH, I feel I should've been down to one ages ago!!?!
I play that game with myself too--the "am I smaller or larger than her?" B/c I really have no clue how I look anymore. I can't hold up clothes and tell if they'll fit or not. It's weird, but I'm sure we will all adjust with time to how hot we are

It varies day to day. LOL Some days I look in the mirror and can see it, later the same day or another I'm like omg im so fat, i look the same. As you said yes the sizes are smaller and I think wow I fit in that so i must be smaller, but i cant wrap my head around what it is that i really look like because I feel exactly the same inside. Sure I can breath better, feel better health wise, but I still feel like me and me is 345 lbs. So I often go around feeling like people are viewing me as 345lbs. I dont know when that goes away or if it ever does. Being over 300 for so many years, that is my adult identity. But the mirror thing is tricky. I think it depends on the mirror or the window I catch a glimpse in. I can look thinner, trimmer and think wow, looking good, then turn aroundin another and be omg, look at my stomach, im so fat!! So its just something i think is going to drive us nuts for awhile, maybe for forever. lol But i think we can live with it. With the decreased health issues, the more mobility etc, its worth a little back and forth head games.
Have a great day!!!

I am on the fence here. Sometimes I can really see it and other times I don't see it at all. There are also times that I think that I look really good in an outfit, get compliments and such and then I have a picture taken and I see the old me in the pictures.
It truly is a phenomenom. Why dont' we see it? We are losing major amounts of weight. What is the deal with not being able to tell ourselves? We may never understand. I just know that I don't ever want to be the image that I still see in my mirror and head sometimes.
I would like to add that a few times I have seen my reflection and actually thought, Wow, she looks really good, only to realize that I am saying that about myself! It's a great feeling to be able to like what I see sometimes.
You are not alone JoAnn. However, let me say that you look wonderful and are doing a fantastic. You have lost nearly 100 lbs. How cool is that!
Hugs, Robin
Seanna is like that. UNTIL that is that I sent her a pic of herself Thanksgiving 2 years ago. She FINALLY admits that she has lost weight. And can see it too. I think alot of post-ops go thru this. Its call body-dismorphic or something like that. I honestly cant say I feel that way, cuz I can see the loss. I dont have 2 full saddlebags anymore. My belly doesnt touch my thighs anymore. I havent been getting rashes under my apron. AND I can stand for more than 10 minutes and my back doesnt hurt. That to me is amazing! BTW, I will be at support tonight. I really need to go with some bad habits creeping back in. See ya there!
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