OOPS...I did it one last time!
well said Kylie.
As a RNY patient I was kind of offended by the whole story. As far as it being "easier to judge" b/c we're post op, I disagree. I just know what he went thru--I was there too.
My last two weeks I did not binge. In fact I didn't even have a "last supper."I was dieting per my surgeon and I stuck to it. So I figure if *I* can do it, others can too. I was a binge eater.
I'm offended b/c I feel he reinforced the already prevalent negative stereotypes out there about obese people, like we need more of that! And I can't believe a newspaper actually covered that story!
If Rny is not the easy way out show me a easyier one. I am 6 months out and am at the lowest wieght since I got out of the army 20 years ago. The guy is not perfect but who is . Does that mean he does not deserve the chance at a better life like we were given.Lets say now he never gets surgery and his life is shortened because of his wieght is that right? This surgery has been a gift that changed my life and I wish that others in need could get this gift also.
Hi Matt,
I really do not think you are not getting what I am saying or what I think the others are saying as well. It's not that we do not think this man should have surgery, but that he was not ready for it.
I also have to say if this surgery has been easy for you and you feel that it is the 'easy way' then you are very lucky. For me this surgery is a tool and one I battle every day to use effectively. I am battling myself. This is why this man's mindset and what he did in getting a newspaper makes me think the doctor was right in making him lose some weight prior to the op.
Another thing to consider is that the he may have put on more weight in that two weeks making it irresponsible for the doctor to do the surgery without him first losing some weight. I lost over 10kgs (no idea in pounds) before my surgery. What if the doctor did the surgery and he had complications because of the extra weight. It is a far riskier surgery the heavier a person is. I have read on here about many people who have been required to lose weight prior to them been able to have the surgery.
Before you judge us of judging him I ask you did he not put himself out there to be judged when he put his story in the newspaper? Maybe he should have spoken to his surgeon before putting himself on display in a newspaper and mentioning the surgeons name.
RNY surgery is not easy and for some it has some very bad complications. It is a surgery that any individual choosing to have should look into as much as they can so they can be prepared for the road ahead. The surgery is only the first step along a road which is not always easy. I would personally never recommend this surgery to anyway, no matter my feelings on it. Instead I would explain how it has helped me and how effective it can be, but I would also explain about complications and about how it does NOT guarantee weight loss if a person is not willing to make changes to their lifestyle. This surgery is NOT the answer for all morbidly obese people.
Again just my two cents worth or in this case maybe a dollars worth.
I would have paid $5.00 for that response!
Well said by both Rebecca and Kylie. I wish my RNY felt easy to me. It doesn't. It is a huge lifestyle change and I'm very glad I was fortunate enough to get this chance. However, if I had not lost and maintained a 15 pound weight loss I would still be 350 pounds. That was the minimum requirement for my bariatric program. It was the most difficult 15 pounds I've ever lost. But, it was one of the best ways to prepare my brain for my new lifestyle.
I hope this guy does eventually receive the surgery. When he's ready.
- Stephanie