Today's exercise theme is:
That's right, sometimes you have to just do it whether you like it or not! Doesn't sound fun huh? But in the end (at least we can hope) it will pay off. We can always find excuses, aches, pains, time constraint, moodiness etc etc. I again this morning was thinking I was going to pass on the gym. But why? I have nothing better to do really, or at least not anything that can't wait until I get back. Schedules can be manuevered, exercise of some type can be fit in somewhere during the day even if its a mini workout. Something is better than nothing. So I told myself this morning it didn't matter if I didn't want to go, "Just do It". So as soon as I adjust/set up my ActivTrax workout I'll be off. And as Kathy's S's words always ring true, I'll feel alot better about it once I'm there and back. With that said.....
Do I feel better after I exercise? YES
Does exercising help with my weightloss/maintenance? YES
Will I be upset if I don't exercise? YES
If I exercise will I stand a little taller and funcion better during the day? YES
If I don't go will RuthAnn get on me? YES!! LOL Go have a good workout and a great everyone!!