I lost a pound this week and am now under 150. I am just amazed. Lots of people, including my partner, are calling me skinny. I'm certainly not skinny, so I'm not sure what to say. I just say thank you, but I feel like a fraud. It's strange.
I ordered some new bras from JC Penney. They were all 36DD (as opposed to the 44DDs that I wore before). One kind didn't fit and one did. The one that fit was an underwire and I just love it. I haven't even tried underwires since I was a teenager. This bra is amazing and I'm glad I bought it. The "size 1" tights fit also.
The best news came from my doctor yesterday. I am being weaned off insulin in favor of an oral agent and my cholesteral medication is being cut in half.
On Sunday I leave for Scotland. It will be so much fun. I most likely won't update next week. I won't even weigh in because it doesn't make much sense to do it on a different scale.
How are you doing?
218/208/149/115 4'10"
Sheryl, WOW! Being weaned off insulin is HUGE! That's an amazing accomplishment. Congrats on your progress and have a wonderful time in Scotland. I'm so jealous. I'd love to visit Scotland soon. A work trip to London is in my future, but Scotland is unfortunately not on my list!
Have fun!
- Stephanie