size 18!!! thank you mimi
ok mimi gave me some clothes she has sooo shrunk out of - she is awsome looking these days BTW
and in there was a pair of 18 levi jeans and I PUT THEM ON THIS MORNING they zipped over my belly AND backside hehehe ok so I can not wear them in public yet but Oh MY GOSH I have not seen a size 18 since I was a teen ager.
my new goal is to wear them - looking good in them - out of el paso in 3 weeks!!
I am excited with life - worked out 3 times yesterday and lost another pounds - off to curves now
everyoen have a great day

Wow Danni! Congratulations! I long for the day when I can wear a size 18. I suspect it will be quite a while before that happens. I'm hoping for Christmas! All I want for Christmas is a size 18!
You must be so busy preparing to move. Good luck!
You'll be showing off your size 18s in public before you know it!
- Stephanie

Wow Danni! Congratulations! I long for the day when I can wear a size 18. I suspect it will be quite a while before that happens. I'm hoping for Christmas! All I want for Christmas is a size 18!
You must be so busy preparing to move. Good luck!
You'll be showing off your size 18s in public before you know it!
- Stephanie