sweet vidoe
I loved this and thought I would pass it on
Thanks Danni - that brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful for our military men and women and families like your own that are sacrificing for the rest of us. My father was at Iwo Jima in WW2 and my husband was in Viet Nam...my son didn't go into the military and I don't personally know anyone in Iraq right now, but appreciate all they are doing for myself and the rest of this country. I send my prayers for Amy's husband's safe return. Thanks again...Barbara
What a moving video!! Thanks for posting it.
My son did 2 tours in Iraq and is now home. He's not the same kiddo anymore- he was wounded physically and mentally. I'm still so very proud of him and all the other wonderful Americans that have been there, are there and will go there.
God Bless America.
yes please do pass it on - our news does our guys so many disservices and does not reconize how wonderful they are so we have to share these things when we find them.
my sweetie did a year there and will be heading back soon - hard to handle but hey we are army wives we can do anything
big hugs
and I still have pretty broad sholders if you need to lean on them feel free - been there so I can listen pretty good