I feel like crying....
So My Big goal since my surgery was to do the walk from obesity.... I've been doing the 10-week training and up to 2 miles on the treadmil. All Week I have been arguing with myself about if I was going to do it or not.. Blah Blah Blah... I always talk myself out of things I want to do. Yesterday I decided I'm doing it! So I went online and registered and have been so excited about it, My daughter was going to a sleepover party so I could just pick her up after and my husband was going with me, its only about 15 minutes frm where I live.
I got an e-mail today and they have canceled it in my area,
. I just sat here a cried. there is one a few hours from here, but then my daughter will miss her sleepover and since it is at her cousins house , Thier mom will have a major tissy-fit. I just dont know what to do. I dont even want to look at my treadmil today. I am so... Ugh... I dont even know what I am.... I just wanted to be proud of myself for sticking to it..... Should I not worry about everyone being mad and just go to the other one... I dunno......
Sorry thanks for letting me vent......

What day was the walk supposed to be? I am doing one on the 30th. You should get up that day (your original date) and go for that walk anyway! Do it for you! Or go to the other one. You need this. You deserve this! You have worked so hard and you are doing so well. Don't let this take the wind out of your sails. Let me know what you decide. Wish you could come walk with me!
Hugs, Robin
I like the idea of what Robin suggested. Do your own walk that day. Before that, at this moment think about what you've done so far. You committed to this and trained for 10 weeks, you are up to 2 miles on the treadmill. You have participated, you have proven something to yourself. You've proven that you can be committed and accomplish something. You don't need to be in a group of people to continue, do your own walk away from obesity walk. You were doing it for you to begin with, so go at it!!! Take your DH's hand and enjoy!!