Good morning Movers and Shakers!

on 9/14/06 11:08 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Are you up and ready to lose today? DH is off to work, took the puppy with him, dropped her off at the vet today. She is getting a check up and spayed. I'm praying it calms her down! LOL They say it does, and believe me she needs it!!! I feel kind of bad thinking of how nice it's going to be without her in the house today. Am I a terrible mother? She is just such a handful. Anything and everything she can get a hold of she does and if I don't catch her first it is shredded. We have adjusted and have learned to keep shoes off the floor, any papers we don't want shredded! LOL Hmmm.. perhaps she has been a big assest to my weightloss. LOL I sure do enough running around after her and cleaning up after her. New exercise concept? LOL So house is straightened, vacuum run, and I'm working on getting out the door to the gym. Not in a negative way but it has crossed my mind to stay home today. I have a good excuse! LOL Last night DH and I went to the gym together. ( I did my normal workout during the day ) then last night we went after dinner so that we could complete our strength training tests. Our gym has been advertising a website called This website offers a 30 day free trial, then you can join for (off the top of my head) $9.99 a month, or a 6 month period or a year. It's a little less expensive the longer term you do. So anyways, we thought we'd give the free trial a shot and see how we like it and if nothing else, we got personalized workouts for a month given to us. Would give us something to learn by. So I got too workouts yestserday, we did our strength testing. Some harder than others, but I lived. I felt some muscles I didn't know I had. LOL But feel fine this morning, no soreness etc. So I think no excuses, I should still go today. If you are interested in trying the free trial, at the website when you click to sign up, it will ask for your zip code. That will then bring up any gyms in your area that are participants. So you can check and see if your gym is one of them!! They would need to be a participating gym because the initial strength test and your personalized workouts are geared to specific numbered machines. So it tells you to do so many reps at a specific weight, for a certain time period etc on machine name/# etc etc. The guy at our gym was great and walked us around to show us exactly which machine was which and how it worked, what we were supposed to do. So that in itself was kind of like having a free trainer for a bit. I thought I'd mention it incase your gym does do this and you can give it a try for at least the 30 days and get some guidance. Again the website is (no I get no $ for endorsement LOL) I have been using the "Ladie Fitness Express" (Curves basically) machines along with elliptical, treadmill and rower for exercise, but felt it's time to step it up a bit. The Curves type machines are just not doing much for me anymore I think. Its great when you first start out, but I need somewhere to go. So we shall see how some weight lifting type exercises do now. We don't want to get bored with our exercises, we know that could be a bad thing! So that will be the new point for the day. Try something new at your gym, or in your home workout routine. Shake things up a bit, try something different. It first will peak your interest, be something different and might change the numbers on the scale a bit and or tone some areas that have been neglected. Have a great productive day and I'll leave you with Kathy's words before I go! "Do I feel better after I go to they gym/exercise? YES" "Does going to the gym/exercise help with my weightloss/maintenance? YES" "Will I be upset/bothered if I do not go to the gym/exercise today? YES" "Will I stsand a little taller and function better during the day if I do go to the gym/ exercise? YES"
on 9/14/06 11:11 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
UGH I hate that! I know that two is spelled two, not too! LOL I'm sure there are other errors in my post and I have run on sentences, spelling errors and probably many other things, but when my brain malfunctions and I type something like that it just bugs me. Ok, I'm done ranting at myself. LOL
Stephanie Smiles
on 9/15/06 12:34 am - My Town, NH
Hello Queen of Exercise Posts! I was a good girl today and hit the gym for my weight training at 5:30 a.m. I managed not to die with two of my prescribed weight lifting exercises so I'm guessing that is progress! When I performed them for the first time on Monday I thought for sure I would pass over to the other side. I have to tell you that this is the most intimidating thing I've ever done. I am walking up to the weight benches and retrieving my weights with all of these body builders. Yikes! I feel like they are all looking at me and wondering why I even bother! This morning I was lifting my five pounders and working on my triceps as instructed by my trainer and I was flanked by two guys who probably have BMIs of 20. They are so fit! And there I am in my stretch pants and t-shirt hoping they aren't grossed out by my arm flab as I lift, count and breathe. I figure if I can go to the gym and look in the mirror at myself with all of these guys, running a meeting at work is a piece of cake! My DH doesn't know it yet, but I'm dragging him to the gym this weekend too! He's expressed an interest in getting in shape and my gym will give him a free trial. We'll see what he thinks and maybe I'll switch from an individual to a family membership. The family that sweats together, stays together. Right? Have a great day everyone! - Stephanie
on 9/15/06 2:05 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Good for you, I don't know how you do it at 5am. LOL I up usually between 5:30 and 6:15, most days the latter, but I'm not ready to go to the gym yet, that's for sure!! I had to go out into the BIG lifters gym area today to do two of my exercises on my ActivTrax planner. I felt a bit strange, but sucked it up and did it. I just try to remember I'm there for me, not them, so who cares what they think. It's tough, but I figured the quicker I do it the quicker I can go back to my other areas. LOL I think I got more of a work out today running around to the different places and things I needed to gather to do my prescribed workout. LOL It had me do some band exercises so had to see if they had those, which thankfully they did or half my workout would have been lost. Had to do 3 different types of crunches with a ball. That was new for me. Last night was the first floor crunches I tried. It's different, not sure I'm doing them perfectly in form but I'm trying! Keep up the good work, have a great day! Oh definately get your DH out to the gym, I love when mine goes.
on 9/15/06 1:42 am - Columbia, MD
So your posts have really motivated me. Yesterday morning I got up and did my conditining exercises. Today I got out of bed at 5:15 and went to my basement and did about 35 minutes on my Lateral Thigh Trainer. I am so proud of myself and I feel great. I looked at a website the other day that Amy suggested. Something about Hot WLS Babes. Well, this gal has lost so much weight and looks so wonderful (I only looked at one persons story) and that really motivated me to work out harder and more often so that I can get these hips trimmed and toned. I know I am much happier with myself when I exercise so I am committed to being consistent. RuthAnn great workouts yesterday!!! You go girl! I will also be getting in a short walk at lunch since I am running to the store to pick up the stuff I forgot at home for a baby shower today at work. I don't drive around the harbor so the walking is really nice. Stephanie, before long the folks at the gym are going to be congratulating you on your progress. I always think that way too about others looking at me and thinking those thoughts. Keep going though. We all have to start some where and you are doing wonderful. Hugs, Robin
on 9/15/06 2:09 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Robin, glad to hear the exercise posts are motivating you. Sometimes thats all we need, just something to light us up!! And with us all working and doing it together really helps. I usually check out the before and after pics daily when I get online in the morning at The transformations are amazing, that is one thing that keeps me going. I see those pics and think wow, and if I want to achieve that, then I need to be going to the gym/getting exercise. The weight comes off with the surgery, it will help our health, but we need to help it also. And we definately need to help the surgery along if we want the best results we can get. I know I didn't do this to settle. To just be so so. This was a major undertaking for me and I don't want to take it for granted. And I hope with the life changes, that I can keep them and that will help me be successful long term. Keep it up, and again Im glad the posts are helping. Great job!!
on 9/15/06 4:33 am - North Richland Hills, TX
I'm going to the gym after work to work w/ my WONDERFUl trainer!! woohooo!!
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