Odd Feelings

on 9/13/06 1:11 am - North Richland Hills, TX
So ok.. Everyone probably remembers me going on and on abou****er aerobics for so long... and then I stopped going.. I didnt go for almost a month.. and had no other physical activity except the theme parks every weekend. However.. I had this strong desire to learn and teach the class... Well, I went back to say good bye to my class because its getting too cold for them now. I was so dismayed because I couldn't get into the work out like I used to... It was no longer working me out the same. I've started going to ballys.. heck... its only my second day. I'm determined to go Monday thru Friday though.. My trainer told me to take 2 days of rest... otherwise I'll mess something up.. I dunno what he's talking about.. but he's cute.. I'll listen. I want to do what he does. I want to be a trainer. I think that would be really cool.. to motivate others like he motivated me. I can't afford to have him with me twice a week like I would like.. but, I want the times we are able to meet for him to say WOW... you are doing really good! Does anyone else do that? Look for afirmation from those around you? I NEED affirmation, or I give up. No matter what the task is. I get discouraged, and give up. Also does anyone else.. as we are all going thru new stuff.. hear yourself say something you would have NEVER have said before, like I want to get to my personal goal and be a personal trainer for others?! Geez.. someone help me! LOL. I know I need to find a new addiction.... and I think I've found it. I am really dedicated to going 5 days a week.. every week. I really want to stick to this.
on 9/13/06 1:57 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Yes, I know what you are feeling. I have commented to my DH recently that no one at the gym has made any comment at all about my weightloss. True, I haven't connected with or made any friends with anyone there. I pretty much go in, do my thing and leave. Sure I am recognized, I get a hello here and there. But I had this thought that they have to notice. I started going in February, the month before my surgery, signed up during a really great deal! I was 345 lbs.. I'm 220 now. Is it because they see me almost daily? That weeks dont go by? I just thought someone might say something. Not a big deal just found it odd. I dont think it discourages me. But we all like affirmation. Regarding wanting to do something that relates to what we're going through. Our new lives etc. I have thought over the past few months that I would like to go back to school to become a dietician/nutritionist. I thought it would be great to be able to work in the bariatrics/wls field and help others go through this amazing journey. That having a nutritionist that has been through it guide you, not one who has no idea what it's like to be 350 or plus lbs. I did look into it some. There is one program at the community college (which would be more affordable for us) but its a technician type degree. Takes 2 years, which is great time wise. I didnt necessarily want to commit 4 or more. I did call, asked a few questions, sent for literature. The woman I spoke to on the phone (the normal contact was not there) was very negative. It was like everything I asked she was shooting down. The program is one you need to get accepted to. They only take like 14 people at a time. Classes were starting the next week, so it was kind of late for that. So I thought, well I could start taking some of the general required classes like algebra, c hemistry etc in preparation. I asked and assumed there should be no problem with them applying twoards the enrolled program when I signed up to get in the next year. She's like I dont think so, you need to be in the program already. Which, doesnt make sense, if its a college and they offer general courses and you take them, why wouldnt the credits apply? So that was two things, there were more, but it was just all coming back negative. Oh and then some classes werent offered at night. Majority were in the day, so I'd basically have to not work and go to school full time. If a course was offered at night it was way far way. I can't see driving home late at night from a class from 50 miles away! The only other dietician/nutritionist program around here is at the University of Pittsburgh which is a big major medical school and it costs lots of moola and it is a registered dietician/nutritionist program which is minimum 4 years. I would need more for some pre-requisties. So I let these things discourage me and havent done much more about it since. I have been thinking about it again the past few days. I know that if I really want to do something then I cannot let anything get in my way. I really do think it would be something that I enjoyed. With so many people having wls now, I feel there will definately be now and in the future a huge need for experienced people in the field. ANd someone having been through it would be a great assest. Whether you worked with a wls surgeons office, in hospitals in general, nursing homes (think about people as they get into their senior years and need to be in homes) the need and education for their care has to be considered. It will definately be different than others". So I have definately thought through it, just need to see what I'm going to do about it. Keep working at it! If the passion to be a trainer stays with you, go for it! You are young and have so many years ahead of yourself. You can do anything!!
Stephanie Smiles
on 9/13/06 3:18 am - My Town, NH
Amy, good for you for committing to exercising! I think you should go for any goal you desire. Just be sure to give yourself small goals as well so that you don't become discouraged. You go girl! - Stephanie
on 9/13/06 11:40 am - Chambersburg, PA
I know someone who had the WLS and is now a trainer at Bally's in King of Prussia PA. She runs the gastric bypass forums on yahoo. Here is her link to her webpage, very inspirational: http://www.abutterflyemerges.com/. Email Caroline and talk to her.
on 9/13/06 11:52 am - North Richland Hills, TX
Ya know.. she's on my myspace friends... I need to do that. Thanks!!
on 9/14/06 12:17 am - Fort Bragg, NC
I dunno what he's talking about.. but he's cute.. I'll listen. I am sorry what did you say? I didn't hear you after this hehehehe! Mimi
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