Anyone as WEIRD as me??
Confession Time, and you Marchers are the only ones I feel can relate.
Anyone feel like the scales are lying and we really havent loss all this weight?
Anyone feel that ALL the clothes in every clothing store is mis-marked because NO WAY can we fit into these smaller sizes? Anyone feel that people are snickering when we are in the "normal size" section, cuz we obviously belong in the PLUS size secrion? ? Anyone look into the mirror and still see the pre-op sized person staring back at you? Anyone feel like tomorrow morning the scale is going to reveal the TRUTH and it will show our pre-op weight? Anyone been on an airplane and the seat belt fit around you with extra belt, and assume that this airline has larger seatbelts and its not because we are smaller. Anyone have ALL their underwear stretch out so much that the butt is hanging down to your knees( couldint possibly be because we are smaller)? Anyone nothce that the movie theaters have BIGGER seats now? Why cant I accept all these things as the truth?? Anyone else's mind as messed up as mine?
First off let me say you had me laughing my arse off. I think I just lost another 1lb! woohoo.LOL I don't know if I don't believe the scales, I know it's shocking, unbelievable, but I guess that's what I weigh. Do I feel like I weight 220? I don't know, what does that feel like? I pretty much feel like me. And me is normally 350 lbs.. So that is a tough one. But yes, I can relate to the being in regular size areas of clothing in stores and feeling like people are looking at me like I shouldnt be there. I also feel that way sometimes at the gym. I had this thought a few days ago that people are thinking about wow look how big that girl is working out in the gym. I keep feeling like people see me as how I was. I guess thats because I feel thats how I am? I dont know, weird huh? When I was thinking that the other day at the gym I had to think again and tell myself that they see the size me is now, which was kind of weird to comprehend. You are not alone! We are all messed up. LOL

JoAnn, you have taken my thoughts and memorialized them (hehehe). I thought I was the only one. I feel so lost now, because I was so used to shopping at Lane Bryant. Now, I can go into regular stores? When I walk into a body is on auto-pilot for the plus size section. The first time I did that, I had to stop myself and can go into the regular section Danielle.
It's the strangest thing.
Thanks for posting this, it really helps to remember that I'm not alone in this journey. I'm on here fairly often, but hardly reply, that was until I read your message.

Oh my God Danielle, clothes is another whole topic here. Have you become compulsive about clothes? So many years of only shopping at Avenue and Lane Bryant and now I can go into ANY store and buy clothes...I GO CRAZY!!!! I have replaced my food compulsion with clothes now, its scary at times but boy is it fun to be able to buy anything I want now, and not just what fits!! IT is the strangest thing, morning the loss of Lane Bryant!! Was it a security blanket to us or what???? Keep up the good work