Will I ever learn?

Stephanie Smiles
on 9/13/06 10:51 pm - My Town, NH
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever truly learn how to eat! Last night I had dinner, my favorite South Beach Diet frozen pizza and then decided I should eat two pieces of homemade banana bread. I wasn't hungry. I knew better. I even made the bread myself so I knew how much sugar was in it. I have eaten banana bread since surgery. But I usually limit it to half a piece. Whatever possessed me to think I could eat two whole pieces??? My pouch spoke to me about 15 minutes after the last bite. "No, no, no", she said. When I dump, I don't throw up. I just feel incredibly sick and am forced to go to bed and sleep it off. It's certainly not fun. So why did I take the chance? I discovered that making a bad choice like that creates a chain reaction. My task list for last night was long. It included: making beef stew for the crock-pot, homework and reviewing notes for a work meeting this morning. Of course, I was in bed at 7:30 p.m. so I was not able to accomplish any of that. Therefore, I could not go to the gym this morning because I needed to put the beef stew together. I crammed for my meeting and wasn't as prepared as I should have been. My homework still looms and I now feel a day behind in this class. I will need to work extra this weekend to make up for it. It seems that eating the banana bread impacts more than my waistline. One of my goals, after losing weight, was to plan to eat rather than plan to live. Obesity created so many obstacles that I discovered I was spending tons of time planning to live and much less time simply living. I attribute last night to bad habits raising their ugly heads. I wasn't hungry, but I wanted to draw ou****ching television a bit longer before getting to my tasks. Food is an easy way to do this. It was mindless eating. By sharing this, I am forgiving myself for my transgression and moving on! I'm human and make mistakes. But it is a good idea to remind myself that the consequences of eating the wrong types of food have a far greater impact than a pound or two. It would be very easy to regain 100 pounds and end up with much less time to simply live my life. Thanks for listening! - Stephanie
on 9/13/06 11:16 pm - Philadelphia area, PA
Stephanie, There is no need to beat yourself up over it. We have all eaten one thing too many or something that we really didn't need to have i'm sure. I know I have. The thing I always try to remember is that when I want to have something that I know I really dont need, is that I just take a little bit of it and I'm happy with that. Everything in moderation for sure. No reason to deny yourself that banana bread, just take half a piece or even one piece and enjoy it. I just made banana bread in muffin tins and I had one after dinner last night as my "dessert". Sure prior to surgery I could have eatten about 3 but now it's one and I eat it slowly and enjoy the taste and i'm done! But.........the day I made them......I ate 2 right out of the oven. Tsk tsk, but know what? I dont eat bread and it was my treat! Trish
on 9/14/06 12:11 am - Fort Bragg, NC
Oh girl it musthave been in the water...i tried to eat an oreo yesterday...and the 1st went down fine...so lets eat 2 right....I was pukingi n te car on the way home from picking the kids up rom school...the neighbors kid was...umm Mrs. C you ok? As soon as his mom got home...Momma mrs. C puked in her car....I keep towels in my car because i hve puked 1 too many times on the road...but still i had to explain...O i ate a cookie spent the rest of the night feelinglike crap....so don't worry you're not the only one making bad choices...we just learn not to do it again. Mimi
on 9/14/06 12:28 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Wow sounds like we all had a bad day eating wise yesterday. The good thing is you were able to stop and say, look what I did to myself. Look what eating that extra did. As mentioned, you dont have to deny yourself. Its just a matter of control. Which believe me I know is hard at times. Sometimes not, but sometimes YES. and it is those times that we have to realize ok we overdid it, we make a mistake, and move on. It was interesting to see how something like this affected so much in your life. I dont think we stop to realize those things, how one little step and change a course of things. Thank you for sharing this!! Have a great day, dont get stressed over it. This is a brand new day and you are ready to roll!
on 9/14/06 1:34 am - fresno, CA
I so relate two days ago I had the worse eating day sense surgery It was like old times I WAS HUNGERY!!! in my head !! I ate crap all day no protein! So by the endof the day I wanted some suger free ice cream so I ate it I got so sick that I started wretching violently nothing came out it lasted 5 or so min. I pulled mucles in my stomach it was hard wretching !! I do think I am lactose intolerant now. It really scared me it reminded me of the old days when I use to beinge and sometimes purge cuz i was so full. I have done good sense then but WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!!! I like what you said stephanie about how the wrong kinds of have a greater impact than just pounds gained I had not thought about that . Lizzey
on 9/14/06 1:36 am - Nashua, NH
Stephanie....do forgive yourself and move along! One mistake or rather a slight misjudgement can be a lesson learned and it sounds like you learned your lesson! Funny this must be the week - I haven't done what I have thought about - but here's the story. In my Pre surgery, "fat" time - I was always the one bringing the candy for the candy dish at work - of course, I ate a good portion of it. So to tempt my judgement, I bought a big bag of Halloween candy at Sams this weekend and have been filling up the bowl at the copy machine all week. I have decided it is too torturous to continue to do this - because the copy machine is right outside my office and everytime I walk by I say "JUST ONE LITTLE PIECE" and then thank the good Lord something comes over me and says NO NO NO Barbara....and so far it has worked. But I will guarantee it has been too much temptation and this "just still a little fat" girl is going to quit bringing candy to work. Lesson learned....and seems as if you have learned yours also! Hope you don't have to lose the entire weekend catching up from yesterday! Take care. Hugs, Barbara
on 9/14/06 2:11 am - Columbia, MD
Stephanie, We have all been there and done that! I sure have. A couple days ago I had a terrible eating day. I kept eating crackers, bites of cookie, cake, whatever I could get my hands on. I "justified" myself by saying "I am only taking a bite or two, I'm not eating the whole thing." Well, that is just plain wrong thinking! A bite or two can very quickly turn into the whole thing and then another and another and ... you get the picture. I used to say that I didn't eat that much and I really didn't eat the wrong foods. DENIAL!!! I totally ate too much and always ate the wrong foods. Oh, I would throw in a good menu and buy the good stuff but then I would have the wrong stuff too. Again, trying to justify. Which is the reason I couldn't get the weight off without surgery. Old habits really do die hard. I know that if I don't work hard to conquer those bad habits that I can put the weight back on. I KNOW that I don't want that. So I do like you, I pick myself up, brush off the crumbs, and start again, beginning with forgiving myself. Hang in there. Thanks for sharing Stephanie. It's so comforting to know we aren't alone! Hugs, Robin
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