One hundred pound... $100.00's
I have decided that when I get to 100#'s then I will spend $100's on myself. I found this beautiful necklace at Dillard's and it is exactly $100's. So how far/close am I to that milestone? Well as of this morning I am 4lbs away! I weigh 194! My delemiah is do I go and get it tomorrow before it is gone or so I wait until the actual day ? Tell me what to do! Also I went and tried on close today ( all of mine are falling off) and it was a size 14 and they were not tight! I don't think that I will be in them for very long!
Amy I

Hi Amy, GET OFF the computer and go get the necklace!!!! Now, you have to PUT it up until you lose the 4 pounds and only then can you wear it!!!! Besides you need to pamper yourself while the hubby is away - that is for your mental health! So go get the necklace and post a picture of it so we can all be envious!!!! When you pick up the necklace - why not treat yourself to a new outfit that you like! You deserve it and are worth it! Barbara
Amy, Amy, Amy...if you haven't already...go buy the necklace! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200! (well, if you figure out how to collect $200 I'd do it!!!) In May, my husband and I went to the jewlers and had a mother's ring designed and made for me. The ring contains my birthstone, my stepson's birthstone and my husband's birthstone. I've wanted one for years. We picked it up two weeks later and put it in a desk drawer at home. The deal was that when I reached a loss of 100 pounds from my highest weight, I could wear it. It took FOREVER! I finally got there about three weeks ago. I weighed myself one morning and then went and got my husband to see the numbers on the scale. He slipped the ring on my finger and it hasn't left yet!
Even now as I type, it's sliding all around my finger. I'm going to have to have all of my rings sized before too long.
That's my long winded way of saying...go for it! Whenever I look at my family ring, I'm reminded of my journey and also of my family's encouragement.
You are going to look gorgeous in that necklace!
- Stephanie

Stephanie, Go and have that ring resized. I love mine! It has the birthstones and the names next to them and I cheri****! I am going to have to have mine resized. It is slidding up and down and around. It is a good feeling but I always wear it. I love it that you got your husband and he slipped it on your finger how ROMANTIC!
( I am without a man right now and a hello seems romantic!
) I am going to get the necklace this weekend. I weighted in at 192 this morning so hopefully by this weekend it will be 190 and -100lbs. Post a picture of that ring!
Thanks Amy I

Robin ...... I am going to get that necklace! It is really nice! Last night when I was doing laundry I slipped on my sons jeans. They are a size 34. Now mind you that they were carpenter jeans but guess what they were on! Tight and you could see every nook and cranny but they were ON! And I want my husband to drowl when he gets home! IT is my goal! Have you seen this website? This is it for me. Go to the before and afters,on the photo gallery. Thanks for the nice words