I think I just "dumped" for my first time...
I went with my hubby to Denny's for breakfast this morning and ordered the smoked sausage and jack cheese scramble. I didn't even eat half of the scrambled eggs, had 3 bites of potatoes, no bread... had a sip of coffee with half and half in it...
On the drive home, I was already "gassy" and uncomfortable to sit in my car...
By the time I was home, I had diarrhea. I haven't had diarrhea EVER since surgery (in fact I've struggled the whole 6 months with constipation).
Was that "dumping"? I still feel gassy but a little relieved... maybe the eggs/sausage/cheese mixture was just too fatty??
Rebecca M.
I find after 5 and half months that I rarely "dump" with sugar things anymore, but fatty foods give me the exact same symptoms you describe. Of course, when something is blatantly "sugary," I'm careful to eat just a tiny bit (wish I could stop doing even that, but I still love sweets). My bet would be the eggs/sausage/cheese mixture was just too intense and, yes, high fat. It's all such a learning experience, isn't it?
I have never dumped on sugar yet. When I have something too sugary, I get immediately nauseous and dizzy when the bite is in my mouth, and I spit it out and don't eat that. I'm lucky to have an immediate reaction like that... Maybe its psychological? I don't know, because I don't hear anyone else saying they get immediately nauseous/dizzy... I'll just remain scared to death of sweets for the rest of my life
But now I know that I have a "greasy threshold" to never cross again
Rebecca M.

I have had 3 "dumps" - I guess you would call them since my surgery and it happened all 3 times just a few minutes after something went from my mouth down to my pouch and it wasn't on sweets. I get terribly nauseated, swetty, literally sick, feeling the need to
, not being able to at first, but then when it starts you begin to feel better. All 3 times it was on meat that was grilled. 2 of the 3 times I was literally sick for about 2-3 hours before it passed. I didn't have diarrhea with these episodes, but have had diarrhea maybe 3 different times since my surgery date. Sometimes it happened early in the morning before I even had anything to eat. So who knows what makes "Mr. Pouch" grumpy! How was the OH meeting you went to? Sorry you had a bad experience at Denny's - may or may not happen the next time. I haven't dared to try sugar - that was my downfall before and I have it in my head it will make me as sick as the 3 times I did "dump" so I am staying away from that
! This morning I brought candy for work to put in the community bowl and pre-surgery I would have had a generous helping for breakfast!!! But I am so afraid it will make me sick I wasn't even tempted...so for that reason...maybe "dumping" is a good thing! Have a good day....Barbara

We had fun at the Universal City conference (Los Angeles). I went with Rebeka A. and her husband. They both have had the surgery. I was the third wheel
My hubby didn't want to go, since he didn't have the surgery...
Some of the speakers had really GOOD info, like why we have sabotaged ourselves in the past (with weight loss) and how to change those behaviors, and "think thin"...
However, they had 3 plastic surgeons there that gave long presentations on body lifts, etc. and we were a little irritated by that...
Rebecca M.

Probably the greasy foods. Yep, dumping. It is not a pleasent experience AT ALL!!! I have dumped a few times. I get diarreah when I eat anything greasy, fried foods, sausage, pepperoni, the roast beef that I had last night with too much of the fat on it. I get really sweaty and dizzy and nauseaous
when I eat carbs or sugars and sometimes even sugar free stuff. If I eat more than a couple bits on that stuff it really gets to me. One or two bites is usually all I can tolerate. It's a great incentive to not eat that stuff.
I am sorry that was not a good dining out experience. Maybe next time just have the eggs and no sausage or vice versa. I hope that today you feel much better.
Hugs, Robin