my biggest wow moment since surgery!
its unbelievable what this surgery does for people!! The only regret for me is why didn't I have it done sooner??? I feel more energetic, look younger and thinner, less back problems, clothes fit better, less body conscious, I can climb stairs with people and not be out of breath, the list goes on and on!
I've had some wow moments like getting under 200, buying smaller sizes (now in a size 12 jeans, very excited about it!!!
), being completly out of plus sizes, able to actually run and enjoying the gym for more than yoga classes!
On July 2nd the gym started a summer camp whi*****luded recording your weight, daily exercises, how much water you had for the day, if you stayed on your diet plan and if you took your vitamins. I set a public goal of 180, but a personal goal of 175 (I've been a slow loser from the beginning so I didn't want to go overboard with a number). The camp ran from July 2nd until today Sept 2nd, it was hard to see the scale stall at times, but EVENTUALLY it moved again...
well..... heres my wow moment!!!!!!!!!
I started the camp at 197 kind of in a stall.............................................
Todays final weigh in was 175!!!!! I almost
when I saw it on the scale! Then I almost
because I hit my personal goal that I didn't think I would hit.
to my doctor!! without her theres no way I would have lost 22lbs in 2 months or 86lbs (total lost so far) in less than 6!!