Summer Memories!

Stephanie Smiles
on 9/1/06 11:26 pm - My Town, NH
Greetings MARCHers! Now that September is here, I've begun to reflect on what was (so short!) Summer. I realized that this summer, for me, was so much different than last summer. And, that got me thinking. I wondered if summer was different for each of you as well. I'd love to hear from all of you about the great Summer of 2006 memories that you created and how they differ from last year. Here's one of mine: This summer, I was away from home on the weekends more than I was at home! We went to Boston, Maine, Michigan and tons of day trips in between. Last summer I didn't go anywhere. In fact, there were weekends that I never ventured outside. On Monday mornings, when I would get into my car for the drive to work, I would realize that I hadn't left the house ALL weekend. Now, you can't keep me home! I experienced so much more this summer than last summer. We picked blueberries for hours, I've painted rooms in my house, I clean and vaccum my car every other weekend and I've spent so much more time outside in our yard. I even have a very light tan on my arms! I'm grateful that WLS has given me the opportunity to participate in life more. Next Summer? Watch out! I'm taking up golf next year and I hope to be outside enjoying the world even more! Thanks for sharing! - Stephanie
on 9/2/06 12:30 am - Huntsville, AL
This past summer I not only ventured outside more, but I wore shirts that fit me and shorts that didn't go down past my knees. This past summer I also decided to try to go to Iraq for six months in my job. I never would have done that 70 pounds ago, but once I hit that magic 70 number, I thought of almost nothing else. This past summer I've jumped on a trampoline! This past summer was just a lot more fun and seemed a lot less uncomfotable. I used to sit and think about "if only I was 50 pounds lighter..." when it came to the weather. Would I sweat as much? (no!) Would I be more willing to just be outside? (yes! Until the mosquitoes come after me!) My weight loss isn't nearly as stellar as many of you...and I'm OK with that. For the past few weeks I've lost absolutely no weight, but not only got into, but wore out in public some Tommy jeans that I wouldn't wear when we went to Vegas. This morning I'm at 201, and while onederland is so close I could practically spit (and hey, would that work? If I spit enough, I could lose two pounds! hehehe), I realize that it will come when it comes, probably surprising me. I've been called skinny, which again, while I'm far from it, made me feel absolutely glowing! This past summer has been amazing, and I can't wait to see what all the future seasons have in store for me!
on 9/2/06 1:34 am - Nashua, NH
What a nice thing to do Stephanie! AHHHHH....this summer....had 2 grandsons born, Drew in TN and Derek in NH. Went to TN to see Drew and got so many compliments from my old friends and family who were amazed! Sat on the floor with my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Maddie, and got down and up by myself. Flew on an airplane without a seat belt extender. Rode around in my husband's mid-life crisis (a red convertible Corvette) and actually got the seat belt buckled - it is smaller than usual seat belts in my opinion! Walked for miles in the evening with hubby and pugs. Walked in Boston during my lunch hour - would have never had the energy before! Jumped up and down at my 3 month lab work which showed wonderful, wonderful totals and didn't panic when they took my blood pressure! Actually ordered an exercise DVD - "Chicometrics" and put it in the DVD and used it and am continuing to use it!! ( My Richard Simmon's "Dancing with the Oldies" has so much dust I am afraid it will ruin my VCR if I inserted it!) Drank more water than I have ever drunk in my life and took more vitamins! Wore shorts and t-shirts again (just in the yard - not out in public!!!) Gave an entire wardrobe away to a friend in TN. Enjoyed compliments from friends and family. So many wonderful things, but these are my hilights! What a wonderful world! AND, this morning hit 90 pounds missing on the scale - just 10 more for my much earned Century Club card for my profile! Barbara
Laura A.
on 9/2/06 1:00 pm - Manteca, CA
I'm right there with you on those Corvette seat belts......we have an '84 and before surgery I never could buckle that silly belt around my belly. Those belts are unusually SMALL!!!! But now I can buckle that belt and still have room to spare. Laura A.
Rick A.
on 9/2/06 3:22 am - Far Northern, CA
Hello all, This has been the best summer ever. I went to an amusement park and walked with three grandchildren for 8 hours and my feet never hurt. I went on a roller coaster and I fit. We went to the water slides numerous times and I actually went down them. I walked nearly everyday and really enjoyed it. I helped a brother move into his two story house and didn't have a coronary every time I carried something up the stairs. It's almost a little scarry, but this is starting to feel like a normal way of life. Like the old joke, when I bent over to pick something up I don't also think is there something else I should be doing while I'm down here. I'm surprised when I see myself in a mirror. I have received several compliments and been called the "thin man" and a "shadow of my former self". It feels so good both physically and emotionally. I am wearing one of my older brother's hand me downs. I have always been the largest member of the family and I think some of my brothers went on a diet in fear that I would be passing the title on to them. It feels great to feel that there are so many more options available to me. My wife and I are going on a cruise in October and I now am under the weight limit that I could actually parasail if I wanted to. I am so glad that all of us "Marcher's" are coming out of our shell and revealing the "butterflies" that we have all become. I wish you all well. Life is good. Rick
on 9/2/06 10:13 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Yes this definately has been a different Summer than others. I did a lot more physical things. More than I ever did in my entire lifetime. In May DH and I participated in a 5K walk, and went to an outdoor Summer Venture thing where we tried Dragon Boat racing, bike riding (which resulted in us buying bikes) Which sadly we didnt use as much as I'd like to have, but we still have some decent weather left. I think we didnt use them as much because as you said we were just so busy running all the time on the weekends, we'd run out of time to go riding. A couple of years ago I started wearing shorts. I hadn't all my adult life for fear someone would see my fat legs. That mostly put in my head by my mother, she is one of those, if you're fat you need to wear only black or dark navy, and to go out in shorts! oh well. LOL So a few years ago a friend of mine said, why wont you wear shorts? Who are they (meaning general public) who are they to dictate if you wear them or not. You have the same right too, you want to be cooler and more comfortable etc etc. And it just hit me, she was right. What did I care about them. I always had good self esteem, but always tried to be pretty modest, and covered. But my friend was right about the shorts and I've lived in them the past 3 summers and the past two in sleeveless shirts. And I wore them this year too, hanging arms and all. As long as Im not lifting my arms and swinging them , the are just big, not too disgusting. LOL I figure if people don't have anything better to do then worry about how I look, then that's their problem. I walked so much more than I ever have. In the past just a walk to the corner would be bring me such dread. My back would hurt, get out of breath etc. Now I go up and down stairs without giving it a second thought. I walk everywhere, all over and dont stop. We walked today at the mall for over 2 hours, never sat down once. ANd.. I never felt a thing, just was normal!! I was able to breath this summer. No coughing, wheezing or anything in the evening air when it may be cooler, or when it rained. I used to cough like I was dying i n the night air, or damp air. It's all gone! No inhalers anymore!!!! I wore a regular bathing suit to a public swimming pool and didn't look half bad. or at least I didnt' think so! LOL Again if everyone there was more worried about me in my swimsuit then they got a problem. I got a puppy! I've been wanting one for a long time. DH was hesitant because it takes work, taking the dog in and out and doing things for it. But I was ready (though she is a pain at times LOL) but I was physically able to manage one this Summer. I haven't gone back, or haven't got a permanent job yet, but I just finished up a 6 week temp assignment and I felt good going to work.. I didnt wake up in the mornings feeling like I was crippled, having headaches etc etc. I went to work feeling healthy and not miserable just waiting to get out of there and out of my clothes. I felt functional. I joined a gym in February during a good 'sale' in preparation for my surgery. I have used the membership often. I go to the gym a couple of times a week and I LIKE IT! Sick huh? LOL There is just so much. And right now Im enjoying myself shopping for Fall. I keep seeing so much that I want and know I have to stop buying. But I just can't! LOL I do buy bargains, I think the most expensive thing I may have bought are pants, probably around $20, but mostly I've been getting good bargains. Yesterday! Get this.. I don't know how I did it, but I got my fat butt into a size 14/16 dress. Its a bit snug, but it was on sale for $9.99 and I liked it. Its an indian style cotton type dress, but I got into it, but do need to lose a few lbs. But the point is I got something in a 14/16 on me. Never in my life would I have imagined that! I have found shirts at walmart size Xl (16/18.. this is unbelievable! That i've never done in a summer before!! LOL So life and Summer has been good!! ts so great to see everyones Summer joys!! I cant wait to see what we've been through after Fall into Winter!! WooHooo everyone!
on 9/2/06 10:17 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Oh forgot I went to an amusement park also this Summer and I fit in all the rides I tried. I was still a bit leary on some of the coasters that had the pull over type bar. But all the rides I did go on which was quite a few, I fit!!!!
on 9/3/06 12:19 am - Houston, TX
It is amazing how much life has changed in 83 pounds! I run up and down the stairs. I went outdoors to trim the hedges, and I picked them up, bagged them, dragged it to the curb, swept the sidewalk, and was not tired. Before, I trimmed and my kids picked it up. It hurt to bend over so many times! PLUS, I was much more sensitive to the heat last year. (It is awfully warm in Houston in the summer!) My vacation pictures almost don't look like the same person--my face was so fat last year. Last week, my sister in law told me "it looks like our real Phyllis again" when she looked at my face versus the last family picture on my mother in law's hutch. I rode all of the rides at four amusement parks. I went to the water park with my family. I enjoyed swimming on the beach versus sitting in the sand not wanting to shed my cover up. I cross my legs when I sit in a lawn chair at the softball fields. My hips don't hurt after driving for hours in the car. My feet don't hurt ever. My heel spur is hiding; I don't hobble when I wake up. Taking a bath is more fun in a "regular" tub. Not a summer memory, but this year, I can sit and stand more easily when I am reading to my first graders. It is fun to get on the floor and easy to get up. What a fun post, Stephanie! Phyllis
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