Are you still chewing to mush?
I am still chewing my food to applesauce consistency are you? I have several friends and coworkers that laugh when I ask that question and all answer with heck no I stopped doing that at aout 8 weeks out. Am I the only food scared to swallow a chunk of food I have not chewed to baby food conistency? How are you all doing with swallowing larger chunks and with chewing.
Thank you so much for your input.
EVERYTHING I chew is to mush. If I dont, I end up puking. I have been having problem with dense (beef, chicken) and not so dense (tuna) meat lately. Ive thrown up 3 times in the last week. I KNOW I chewed good, cuz it was mush coming back up, so Im thinking I may have a stricture. Crackers and breads go down fine, but the meats just dont want to stay. I see my dr next Tuesday.
I chew most of my stuff to mush still. Once in a while I'll have a bit too much and not get it ground down and once in a while I'll throw up because of that. Not every time though.
It never even occured to me to stop chewing like that! LOL
You do what makes you comfortable Dee! That's what matters.
315/214/140 (or size 10, whichever comes first!)
I don't think I chew quite as long as I did right post op, but definately still do take the time to eat slow and think about it, so that I do chew well enough. I have caught myself a few times having something swallowed and them by like OH MY that wasnt chewed as well as it should be and I worry something will happen, but it hasn't.
Thank you guys for your response. Looks like we are even some still chewing some not. I guess I will continue to chew and be scared that something will stuck. I also wonder if I am hungry alot because I am chewing to mush and think if I swallowed bigger pieces it will fill my stomach up faster and for a longer length of time.
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