Stomach vs. pouch question
Ok - so you get a stomach they say "it's going around", you get diarrhea, you
, you say, "my stomach hurts", "I have pain in my stomach" know - all the things you said prior to surgery. So my question is - is it your old stomach where the virus lands or is it your pouch? There is a stomach virus going around work and this got me to thinking. Any ideas? (what a topic for today!) Barbara

I think I remember being told by the nurse in my dr office that GBP tend not to get the stomach flu because a virus tends not to stay in the stomach long enuff to make you sick she had the surgry 2 years ago and has not had the stomach flu when everyone else around her has... I dont know if it ture.... but I pray it is

I'm going to take a stab at this one..
It seems to me that a virus resides in your blood, not in any particular organ (i.e. stomach) ..
Once you have a virus, it can cause certain symptoms.. like nausea, vomiting, achy muscles, headache, etc..
If you're nauseated, it may create the illusion that the virus is 'in' your stomach (or pouch, or whatever..) ..however, I think the virus is really in your blood stream.
I'm not a Doctor.. (but, I could play one on TV..
) so, this is my best guess.

Dr. Barry,
It makes sense to me! It sounds as though you were trained at the St. Elsewhere hospital.
It is a great question. I do know that (knock on wood) I have not been sick, not even a cold, since surgery. I used to get every cold and virus that came down the pike. I hope that losing weight has halted that drama for good!
- Stephanie