Why is protein important?

on 8/2/06 8:47 pm - Nashua, NH
As I have told you guys before I use the Unjury Chocolate and Vanilla protein powder, mix it with Simply Smart milk and then freeze it for several hours to make a ice cream/slushy like concoction which really is refreshing as well as supplying me with about 30 extra grams of protein a day. So I received some of the information below in an email from www.unjury.com and thought I would share with you. It makes sense what they are saying and why our doctors and nutritionists emphasis getting enough protein. Of course their email is "tooting" their product, but the information I guess bears repeating to us WLS patients ever so often! Get your protein in today! Barbara UNJURY Update August 2006 Why Protein is Important Long Term Protein. It's not just something for now, or for this year. It's essential for the rest of your life. Here's why: Role of protein in our bodies: Everything in your body is built with protein. There is not a single cell you can build with just carbohydrates or fat. Your hair, skin, muscles, brain, heart, organs, blood, bones...every cell is built with protein. A doctor we know works with patients who haven't gotten much protein in their diet for years. She said that when she does surgery on those patients and is suturing an incision, it is like trying to sew wet tissue paper. We're working to help those patients get their protein. So how long do you need to get enough protein? As long as you want to avoid problems from not getting enough protein long term. That is, forever! (see symptoms of protein deficiency below) How much is enough? You should always follow your doctor's recommendation, but if you need a general range, youcan use the UNJURY protein calculator: http://www.unjury.com/reg/calculator.shtml What are the symptoms of insufficient protein ? The first sign of lack of protein is often fatigue and/or weakness. Not just the feeling that we didn't get enough sleep last night, but deep fatigue....or weakness where it's hard to get through the day. A second sign is weight loss plateau (for weight loss surgery patients). When we don't get enough protein, there is increasing evidence that the body tries to store calories rather than burning them. A third sign is hair loss, and we believe it is largely preventable. A leading cause of hair loss in weight loss surgery patients is insufficient intake of protein. Surgical complications. Is there surgery in your future? For many, the answer is yes. The best single numerical predictor of how well a surgery will go is your protein status. And, your body will heal slowly, sometimes very slowly, if your protein status is low. Sometimes the worst problems are silent - you could have no symptoms until a big problem develops. In October 2004, The New York Times profiled the "medical mystery" of a man who had severe chest pains--but it didn't seem to be a heart attack. So, what was it? Well, the man had been on a semi-starvation diet and lost 200 pounds. As you know, when you don't get enough protein, the body "uses up" muscle trying to get what it needs. The cardiology team concluded the patient was so deficient in protein that his body was using up the heart muscle the same way it uses up other muscles. A scan confirmed that the walls of the left side of the man's heart were dangerously thin and weak!
Stephanie Smiles
on 8/2/06 11:09 pm - My Town, NH
Hi Barbara! Thanks for posting this! The protein calculator was interesting too. I like the term "protein forward meals" that I've heard mentioned before. I try to make sure I'm eating protein forward meals for lunch and dinner. Breakfast doesn't often feature protein for me except on weekends when I eat eggs. I wish I had understood the importance of protein long, long ago! My idea of dieting was to cut out the protein so that my fat gram intake would decrease. Silly me! Hope you have a great Thursday. Hugs, Stephanie
on 8/3/06 12:11 am - Nashua, NH
Stephanie, I wondered where your picture went to....but the new hair do looks gorgeous...only enhances your beauty if that is possible! You are looking great! Barbara
~ Stylz ~
on 8/4/06 2:47 pm - North of Boston, MA
glad you posted this Barb, I know this is why I don't lose as fast as others my protein intake per day is less than it should be. I really need to step it up even if that includes having 2 shakes a day! maybe I should read this once a day and it will sink in enough to make myself get the protein in! lol
on 8/5/06 1:08 pm - Houston, TX
Thank you for this post. I am not doing well in the protein dept and my weight loss is slower than most. I am doing well in the exercise and water department, and I eat about 800-900 calories a day. So, I am sure the protein issue is affecting me. Anyway, after your post, I made a commitment to focus on protein, and I have hit 100 grams two days in a row. I also ordered some Unjury samples to try. Thanks for being such a great cheerleader and motivator. You are a wonderful inspiration! Phyllis
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