bit frustated

on 7/17/06 11:34 am - Ft Stewart, GA
did a family evening and planned out our last 2.5 months at ft bliss and all the stuff we want to do while here etc. then the boys wanted homemade ice cream - I made it and fed it to them - had my butter milk (keifer died ) with protien powder. this is the first time I am feeling honestly resentful of my family eating things I can't. danni
Pat T.
on 7/17/06 11:40 am - Rome, NY
I understand. I was having a hard time tonight. I really wanted a sundae with peanut butter and hot fudge and I know just one bite would make me so sick! I try very hard to find substitutes, but they aren't the same sometimes...I hope you make it throught tonight, I think you will feel better in morning. Pat
on 7/17/06 1:04 pm - Western, KY
I can SO relate! I had some friends that came over last night and tonight and they brought some food with them and it was fast food...McDonalds and Wendy's...YUM! I've been craving cheeseburgers and fries since surgery. I've had a fry or two, but have not had a cheeseburger as I have not been released for beef and won't be until six months out. Only two months and two days to go!!! Sometime soon, we'll be less resentful...maybe! hang in there! Kim
on 7/17/06 1:36 pm - Dunlap, CA
Im sorry you guys are having a hard time I have had sugar free ice cream in small quanities and its fine I cant do mcd's french fries for some reason they make me yack! If the fry is more real no problem. I have had mcd's cheese bugers to but not the whole bun only the bottom i make it in to a taco they are very easy to eat. iI eat only 2/3rds of it thoug. I dont eat that very often though. Im still loosing just fine Also the thing with sugar i never try any thing with more thatn 27 grams of sugar or there bouts If i have a chocolate craving I eat m/n/ms and one smal bag will last more than a week if my kids stay out of it. I lost 90lbs before by eating with hunger and fullness the problem was when i got to 219 I could not maintain the little amount of food i was eating cuz i felt like I was starving all the time.(i gained all the way to 310) but i did learn some very valuble things during that time. That are helping me now. i no that reading this you would think OH MY GOD she is so going the wrong way. but truthfully its not often I eat that stuff and I make healthy choices my 95% of the time but refuse to live in food fear and deprivation. When you think about a cheese buger is not so bad of a choice except for the fat an the bun but if you take off the bun or half of it its better high in protein an face it we are not getting much fat at least im not we need some for hair nails skin an to feel good. Sugar is scary so far i have not dummped I watch my body go to counseling and keep a check on my self to make sure im not regressing. I just want to incourage you guys to notbe afraid of food find out what you can an con not tollorate try new things all the time and it will help you guys along the way with not feeling left out. Last week I had a eating week cuz I WAS HUNGERY so I ate i was hunger for protein. I realy thought i was going to gain weight I lost 3 lbs from that monday at the docs I weighed 212 on friday i weighed 209. Also I dont feel compulsion to eat things I cant cuz every now I letmy self have a taste and you would be surprised how a taste can be just enough now. Myt freind got chocolate cake for me for my b-day of course I cant have any! but i did have 2 bites the first bitewasso sweet i wanted to spit it out the second was okay but I did not care to have another bite cuz my taste have change you may find that to if try tose kind of things. This surgery has not just just changed my weight it has changed my desire. But I am being carful cuz i know 9 months from now thuings could be differant. In Frindship Lizzey
on 7/17/06 10:03 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
I have tasted most of what I want but I know that sugar will kill me - if not literally close to it last time I tryed it I had a triscutt size bite of bday cake in mid may and I was in bed for 2 days between the dumping and the migraine my bloodsurgar gave me so I don't do sugar. I don't think it was the food last night it was just resentment and it surprised me - I am not a resentful persona nd usally pretty mellow over stuff . off to ride now we are aiming to ride up to and up the canyon this weekend so I am going to ride up to the canyon today to practice thanks all hugs danni
on 7/17/06 10:32 pm - Fort Bragg, NC
you go girl!!! I worked out on the elpictical Sunday for 20 minutes!! I know doesn't sound like a lot but the last time i tried it I could only do 5! I still don't know how you do it. But I am so proud of you!!! As for the hits me at weird times for most things I can do without no problem other things it is so hard. I tried "real" icecream the other day...made a 6 oz milk shake with protein...witihin 20 minutes I was doubled over puking my guts out...think that has cured me for a while. Hang in are doing great!
on 7/19/06 6:44 am - Columbia, MD
I think that 20 minutes on the elipitcal is fantastic! I don't know if I could do that and I go to curves 3x a week and ride an exercise bike for 30 minutes 3x a week. I love the eliptical but don't go to a gym to use one right now. I know that in a few months (at least I hope) that curves will just not do it for me so I might join the gym at work and use their eliptical. Keep up the great work!!! Hugs, Robin
Darlene X
on 7/17/06 10:45 pm - Maricopa, AZ
I had a bad evening too.... Before I left work, I grabbed a few Lay's potato chips a friend had. When I got home I had to go grocery shopping.... and as I walked around LOT's of bad things tempted me, more than normal.... I realized I had those few chips.... and carbs begat carbs.... I stood in front of the Light Ruffles (Sooo good if you haven't had them--- we got some for July 4th) just staring at them for about 5 minutes before calling Hubby and telling him to tell me to be strong. I did NOT buy the Ruffles!!!!! YAY... but boy,. it's amazing what having a few bites of something not so good does to me..... Darlene
on 7/18/06 11:50 am - Pittsburgh, PA
The urge for ice cream has been getting stronger here too. It's Summer and it's hot! What normal human being wouldn't want an ice cream cone?? Someone at work today walked by with an ice cream on a stick covered with chocolate. It looked really good, cold and yummy! The thought of having ice cream keeps popping up, but my fear of dumping from it is much stronger than the urge tp eat some. So I'll pass!! It's a tough one Danni. Some people can eat it, some can't. And if you are in the same situation I am where you would like it, but you know either a) it will make you sick or b) it won't make you sick and you're afraid if that is the case then you will be having it more than you should and that is not good! Frustration today, is gone tomorrow. You'll be fine!! You have been doing so great. Just keep biking! *HUGS*
on 7/19/06 5:30 am - Oxford, PA
How about the SF fudgcicles? They work for me.. and help satisfy that chocolate craving too.. I've also tried NSA ice cream bars.. no problem.. and again, they go a long way toward satifsying cravings. Preop, I'd fill a coffee mug with ice cream nightly.. sometimes twice!
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