Problems with portion control?

on 7/10/06 9:19 pm - Western, KY
Anyone having problems with controlling their portions? Last night, my husband fixed some skillet corn and green beans to go with a rotisserrie chicken for dinner. The corn was so good and I just couldn't have one small serving. I just about made myself sick eating it. What is wrong with me??? If I had of just eaten two tablespoons like my nut guidelines say, this would have been a perfect meal. I haven't seen the scale move in over a week and I'm wondering if my eating is causing it to stay where it is, or if I'm just at a plateau point. No, I don't think my pouch has stretched or anything. I just wonder if I'm eating food that doesn't stick with me for long and makes me feel hungry. During the week, I'm much better than on weekends. On the weekends I get bored and want to munch all of the time. I'm not getting enough protein, I know that for sure. I only eat 2 meals a day. It's usually just protein that I eat, 3-4 ounces of chicken, usually. Maybe some low fat cheese. I try to get in at least 64 ounces of water, but most of the time don't. And I haven't started exercising yet. I haven't been eating the healthiest of foods when I tend to snack. I did get some soy crisps and have been eating them, but I think I should stay away from those, cause I can eat a whole serving with no problem and then want to eat more. I started eating raw carrots to munch on, but was afraid the low-fat ranch dip I was using might be my downfall, so I stopped eating those. I guess I'm really bored with food, so I just eat whatever I think I want. One of my wls buddies says that she thinks I psych myself out to thinking what I'm supposed to be eating makes me sick, so I justify eating what I want. I think there is some truth to that. I'm just so bored with chicken. And up until six months, the only meat I can have is chicken, turkey, fish and seafood. And I'm not supposed to have any bread, pasta or potatoes until goal, and sometimes that's all I want. (not that I eat it. I've still to have any bread or pasta. Afraid it will settle too good and will want to eat it all the time.) I feel as if I'm wasting the "window" of opportunity with this surgery. If there is actually a "window" of six months, I'm almost two-thirds through it...yes, I've lost 86 lbs, but I was hoping for more. (I know I didn't gain overnight, I shouldn't expect to lose overnight.) Anyone else dealing with these issues? I'm sorry for ranting for so long. I just really need some encouragement right now. Thanks! Kim 359/284/150 86 lbs lost
on 7/10/06 10:11 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
I hear what you are saying here. I think maybe we are all now getting at a point where we need to be more aware of what we are doing. That the weight may not continue to fall off as easily as it has. I think I haven't been making all the best choices either the past week or so. And as you mentioned the weekends are harder. We are so busy running around here or there, doing this and that, that I don't get the proper meals in, or grab foods, even in small amounts that are not the best choices. And I definately don't get in enough water on the weekends. We are able to eat more things, they go down easier etc, so maybe we pu**** a bit as you said with the corn thing that tasted so good. I was having a bad day yesterday in that my scale was going up up up. It was weird. I had gotten to 243. I was there for a few days. Then it went to 244, then day before yesterday to 246. ( I was having my monthly) anyways.. yesterday morn it was at 246, by 11:00 am it was at 247, then by mid afternoon I was 248. I called my hubby twice at work asking him WTH???? I think I was holding some water for some reason. I pressed on my legs etc, no indents, but in my body and my legs felt weird. I think I may have been sitting too much also. Yesterday was just a bad day. This morning I am back to 245. I was worried yesterday that something was wrong, but we shall see. I think it was just a combo of not enough water over the weekend, some higher fat foods/or salty ones and Ms Flo. So I'll try not to freak much more. And yes, I know getting on the scale so much is not good. I dont usually weigh that much in a day, but the way I felt bloated made me check and then freaked me out! I think we need to step back and be sure we are following the rules. Measuring, getting in the right amount of water, protein etc. Not take this for granted and just do our own thing. This won't work if we don't work with it! Good luck to you! I'm going to try to be on track today! Heading out, got a hair appt. at 9 am. Then this afternoon signing up with a temp agency. The last one just isnt having anything. So I'm going to try with another one here and try to get myself out of this house!! Have a great day! I'll check back later.
on 7/11/06 4:22 am - Western, KY
I'm sorry you were having such a bad day yesterday. I know what you mean about getting on the scale so often. For so long, I couldn't weigh myself on the scale here at home (and then even at the doc's office) and now that I can, I'm obsessed with it. Every morning, I get up, go to the bathroom and then go to weigh. (after I pee of course, cause that might make me weigh more!) I tell my husband not to weigh more than once a week, but yet, I do, every morning. Trying to get back on track...I received an email from my surgeon's office and they are holding a "Getting Back on Track" class in a couple of weeks and I'm definately going. It lasts for three hours and the psychiatrist who holds weekly meeting for the treatment center and the dietitians will be there, so I think it'll be good for me. I hate it that I'm barely four months out, and I'm already to the point where I need to "get back on track!" I've never measured, other than to make sure I had enough protein, but I guess I need to. Before, I never was hungry enough, but I knew I needed protein, so I wanted to make sure I got at least three ounces out. Now, I don't do it, but I should. Hopefully things will get better for us all. Thanks for responding! Kim
(deactivated member)
on 7/10/06 11:29 pm - PA
Me too. I have found myself grazing. My weight has come off pretty easily, so I may be taking my tool for granted. I know if I don't get this under control, I will not be successful in the long term. I have to use my tool to change my eating habits. I do not want to gain my weight back. So I've started logging my food again. Now if I could just stop making excuses not to go to the very expensive gym I joined... Kathy
on 7/11/06 4:26 am - Western, KY
Yeah, I think if I would go to the gym that I joined, it might not be such a bad struggle. I make excuses on why I can't go. At first it was because I was too busy, and now it's because my husband is working all the time and can't go with me and I don't want to go by myself. I wish I had a workout buddy (other than hubby) to help keep me accountable. When hubby tries to keep me accountable, I make excuses to him and he just accepts it. I need someone waiting on me who will be let down if I'm not there. Maybe that would get me to go! Hopefully it will get better for us all. Thanks for responding! Kim
on 7/11/06 4:38 am - Troutman, NC
Im there with ya! I swear my scales haven't moved in a month. I get so bored trying to figure out all the healthy stuff that I end up going back to liquids. I finally made it to the gym today, first in a while, but I have still been walking some. I fell in a freezer at work a little over a week ago and got hurt pretty bad to where im having to take physical therapy, so I haven't been able to just cut loose at the gym. I also have noooo energy at all! I work 3rd baking breads and some desserts and my iron was low, but I am just so freaking tired allll the time!
on 7/11/06 8:47 am - Western, KY
Your job is baking breads and desserts??? How do you stand it? I'm a sweets freak. Luckily, I've had willpower when it comes to sweets. I've had a bite here and there, but will not allow myself to eat more than one bite as I'm afraid to dump or afraid that I won't dump!! Thanks for responding! Kim
on 7/14/06 3:25 am - Inland Empire, CA
I'm having the same issues! I realize I still automatically reach for the biggest piece or helping of whatever is being served even though i can;t eat it all, it's still ingrained! I hate it. I feel like my old fat mentality still overrides my commen sense and pouch limitations. I'm scared about losing my window too. I'm not losing as fast as I thought I would...(52 since surgery,) and I'm afraid if this is the easiest it gets--there's still plenty of room for me to fail later. I just keep trying and reminding myself=SMALL portions. One thing I have learned I HAVE to be strict about is still measuring my food, otherwise I end up with a plate full instead of my 3oz. I try to use that instead of waiting to feel full. I NEVER felt full pre-op, that was my problem, so i'm afraid to trust that b/c it failed me before. I guess it's all just part of the process.
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