Excersise... YUK!

Darlene X
on 6/27/06 9:21 am - Maricopa, AZ
No cheapies near us...... there are 2 small gyms in town, both $60-70 for the both of us. We fell in love with an expensive gym, multiple swimming pools, jacuzzis, rock climbing, basketball, tennis & raquetball courts, free classes (Boxing, Spin, Yoga..everything), daycare and more--- this place is beautiful... but was $80 for both of us, and right now we don't want to be spending that-- Hubby is changing jobs, got medical debts from all the recent surgeries.... One day we will be back, oh yes we will be back to our beautiful gym LOL *sigh* We just need to sort out the bills and money situation... so until then its home equipment for us. Darlene
on 6/27/06 9:36 am - Pottsville, PA
I know exactly what you mean about the nice gym! Sounds like Lifetime Fitness.....I WISH we could afford to go there, but for now what we have will serve its purpose
Darlene X
on 6/27/06 9:47 am - Maricopa, AZ
It was Lifetime fitness... LOL They are so beautiful, like a big palace... haha I loved been there... and thats the way I want to feel about a gym... ah well, soon soon..
on 6/27/06 9:56 am - Ft Stewart, GA
for cheap exersize check if your libary has dvd/vidoes of exersize stuff - yoga, pilates, steps, buns of steel stuff like that is FREE at the library - but you still have to do it I do sooooo much better with a work out buddy but mine is back in the hospital -she is one of the ones that talked me into surgery to start with, has not had it herself now due to medical issues and has lost tons of weight being sick. so I have NO work out buddy and that sucks!!! can you find someone at work or in your support group or at church that would be willing to work out with you? I know you would rather walk or work out with your sweetie (I would too BELEIVE you me I love having my persoanal cheer leader with me ) but having a girlfreind to walk and chat with is much fun! even if it is too hot and you don't do mornings you can get together and do work out tapes togther - I have done that and it was a blast too ok come on girl meet your goal and we will be here cheering you on!! keep us posted and stay acountable Hugs Danni 372/286/170 15 more pounds and I will be half way there!!!
Darlene X
on 6/28/06 1:38 am - Maricopa, AZ
I live kind of far away from everyone at my support group--- we live in a small and upcoming community, its growing like crazy--- but we are about 30 minutes drive from anyone. I don't know many people at church, and don't exactly have the most friends--- left them all behind when I moved to the USA.... so no one close enough to work out with..... so that kind of sucks
~ Stylz ~
on 6/27/06 11:44 am - North of Boston, MA
did you say 5am on a Saturday?? no offense, but I'd rather chew glass than wake up at 5am on a Saturday for anything, nevermind exercise! I've had a gym membership for about 3 years now. It includes all gym equipment, classes and a personal trainer of course I get in spurts and go then don't go then start going faithfully then stop for a week or two.. well maybe 3, but you get the pattern! I have a friend whos a personal trainer who is DYING to make a plan for me. I'm so afraid!!! He use to do competitions so I know hes going to have NO MERCY on me!! My appt with him is Aug 1 so til then I'll continue my routine I told myself I would do.. daily: walk the stairs to the 3rd floor at work atleast once daily, always park at the garage so I have to walk a distance from the bldg to my car weekly: walk at lunch atleast 3 (4 if the energy is there) times a week and atleast a mile walk each time yoga on saturday The only down side to the gym I go to is no pool, I'm a July baby (cancer) and could live in the water if I had to... I was going to join the Y for the pool only but found out a friend has a key to the community pool. I paid the extra $10 bucks for an additional key and can go anytime now, so that will be added to my weekly routine
Darlene X
on 6/28/06 1:40 am - Maricopa, AZ
LOL Im always awake 5am on the weekends, whether Im working out or not.... We wake every morning around 5-5.30am for work.... my body is set in that pattern, and I cant sleep in even if I try. Because thats our pattern, our 4 dogs who are crated at night also have the same internal clock, and by 5am start to stir and make noises to get them up and outside to go potty. Darlene
on 6/27/06 12:14 pm - Western, KY
I'm with you Darlene. I've yet to exercise. Hubby and I joined a gym in January and have only been a few times, and that was before surgery. It's paid for through the end of summer, as it is a wellness center on the campus of the school he works for. It's really nice, pool and everything, but getting the motivation to get my butt up and go has been zero. I know I'd lose faster if I'd exercise, but I just haven't done it. My chiropractor's office has a personal trainer who had me buy an exercise ball and showed me some exercises at home, and gave me a walking plan to follow. It starts out slow (15 minutes a day for first week, adding 5 minutes per week). She says for now that's really all I need. Eventually I would like to be able to run. I hate walking. It is so boring. Even with my iPod and the best upbeat songs, it is still so boring to me. I would love it if we keep each other accountable for exercising. Thanks for posting this! Kim 359/281/150 -78lbs
on 6/27/06 12:59 pm - On the coast of somewhere beautiful
I've been exercising since one week post-op, so it's almost a habit now. The difficult part is getting off the couch to do it. Once I'm going it, I love it. And I love how I feel afterwards. I have a treadmill at home and I do 3-4 miles every morning and I have some free weights that I have been working out with. But, I really love weight machines. I just found out that the community center 1/2 mile from my house has a weight room with weight machines, treadmills, elliptical machines and bicycles. And it's dirt cheap. $50 for an entire year!! Can't beat that! I will continue to do my walking at home, but I am looking forward to using the weight machines. I may even try the bicycle or elliptical. The City of Phoenix has a bunch of community centers and many are new, so maybe you can check into that. Another rather cheap option is the YMCA. Joanne
Darlene X
on 6/28/06 1:42 am - Maricopa, AZ
I LOVE treadmills... when we went to the gym thats what I did the most and really enjoyed it---we can't afford to buy a treadmill.... and its far too hot for walking outside... so I gotta figure out other stuff.
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