Excersise... YUK!

Darlene X
on 6/27/06 4:29 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ok time to come out of the closet and do something about it.... As a fat girl I hated excersise... I mean you don't often find 338lbs fitness freaks right? Who work out for hours daily and love it? Ive always hated it.... when I did the South beach Diet I forced myself to start excersising and gave up in a week.... I just don't find any joy in it... which I know comes the more you do it... But yeah confessions.... Ive done little to no excersise since surgery.... after the whole no enegry, 2 month period, low iron thing... I kind of used that as my excuse.... Im too tired for it, I'll wait for that to get better...yada yada yada... Im too busy, I work full time, I wake up, get ready for work, leave, come home--- other chores to do... Plus Hubby even after losing 222lbs has severe feet issues, they hurt constantly so he isnt much of a help in motivating me for excersise, and we can't really excersise together because he has a major hard time even walking for long enough to get that heartbeat up ... Plus I can't barely get enough water as is... excuse after excuse... Anyone else not jumped on the excersise bandwagon yet?? Am I alone? I decided to walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator today-- and I was tired at the top... 1-2 sets of stairs... thats horrible, I should be running up them! TIME FOR A COMMITMENT!!!!! JOIN ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to start off easy... work my way in, but Im gonna commit! I have an XBOX workout DVD called Yourself!Fitness..... I am going to wake up at 5am, and do a 15 minute either cardio or fat burning work out 3 days a week for the next 2 weeks.... Mon, Wed & Sat... After 2 weeks I will increase the frequency and length of workouts... but I'll post about that later.... Im saying this infront of you all so I can be held accountable.... If your struggling too, make a small commitment here, and we shall check back in a week or so and see how your doing!!! Anyone in?
on 6/27/06 5:21 am - Pottsville, PA
Well until Saturday I had not doen any exercise except taking my kiddos for a walk every now and then. Well I bit the bullet and joined a gym nearly 2 weeks ago. I have only gone once since then I too seem to have EVERY excuse under the sun why NOT to work out. Well I have decided that the attitude I had was fine for me before surgery when I was 73lbs heavier. I have also committed myself to going to the gym at LEAST 4 days a week. I want to maximize my "honeymoon" period and get to a point where I enjoy getting up and going to the gym! Someday my tool wont work as well as it is now and I need to be prepared for that day! So there I have now outed myself with you Darlene and we can both move on and get a "program"! Jennifer
Darlene X
on 6/27/06 5:34 am - Maricopa, AZ
WOOO HOO!!!!! Yup your outed now!!!! So your commited to 4 times a week at the gym!!! YAY How about we start checking in on Monday and post an update on how we did with our week? I'll start a thread to check up on anyone else who decides to come out of the closet and get on the excersise band wagon! You took the first step! YAY Darlene
on 6/27/06 5:40 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Jennifer and Darlene, Just wanted to say WTG to both of you for making a committment to exercise! I never did much of anything before surgery, god forbid I would sweat or exert myself! LOL And now I very much enjoy going to the gym. I usually go at least 3 times a week, sometimes its 4. But I'm so much more active now that if I miss a day then I dont worry. As long as I continue to go! Great job you two!! Good luck, hope you find enjoyment in what you've chosen and see the changes and embrace them!!!
Laura A.
on 6/27/06 5:53 am - Manteca, CA
I have been walking every day at lunchtime with a friend since before surgery. Since I'm getting "lighter" I can now walk 2 1/2 miles in 40-45 minutes. But since it's gotten so darn hot the last couple of weeks, I've had to switch to an early morning walk on my treadmill......but I'm still walking every day. My husband and 2 of my children are cross country runners. I have always told myself that I could run too if I wasn't so heavy. Since surgery, I even said that when I got below 200 pounds I was going to start a running program. I've bought and read 3 books outlining how to get a running program started for someone who's never run before. I am getting a little anxiety now because I am only 21 pounds away from 200.......and I will be faced with "putting my money where my mouth is". I won't have any excuse not to do it anymore. I am a little panicked that I won't be able to do it...... So now in front of all my OH family......I'm making the commitment. When I hit 199lbs, I'm going to start a run/walk program. Laura A.
Darlene X
on 6/27/06 6:17 am - Maricopa, AZ
Maybe you could make some small goals to get closer to being able to run when you do hit 199lbs! Darlene
on 6/27/06 6:37 am - Ft Stewart, GA
my sweetheart runs for the army but I am blessed he bike rides for fun b/c I can do that and when I treid jogging one time it was not a happy thing at 300 pounds. let us know how the running goes danni 372/286/170 15 pounds till half way there
on 6/27/06 6:57 am - Philadelphia area, PA
I've been going to the gym since I was 6 weeks out. We have a family membership. My daughter excersices alot doing cheerleading and my son plays football and trains 2 days a week, but they still go with me any chance they get. My husband works alot but still manages to get there at least 2 days a week. I try to get there at least 4 days during the week after work and once on Saturday or Sunday but I am so busy with work and 3 kids so there are weeks when I only get there 3 days a week. They have child watch so I can leave my 5 year old with them while we work out. It's really great. I sometimes drag myself there but once there, I love it. It's so worth it! Last week my husband and I were on the treadmill and he lost his footing and he went flying off the back end. It was sooooooooo funny but thankfully he wasn't hurt. In any case, if you dont have access to a gym, just walking is good! I cant wait until fall so I can take long walks, right now it is just TOO HOT!
Darlene X
on 6/27/06 7:04 am - Maricopa, AZ
We had a gym membership to an amazing gym, but couldnt afford it... so we have to wait again until we are in the position to afford a gym membership for both of us. We have weights & a recumbent bike at home... walking NO WAY! Not while its 100F+ everyday, even later in the evenings... plus walking sucks alone, and Hubby can't join me I love my Fitness XBOX DVD so Im gonna do that... maybe later I'll add the recumbent bike in too... Im starting slow though...
on 6/27/06 9:11 am - Pottsville, PA
Darlene I don't know if there are any near you, but the gym we just joined is SO affordable! There aren't any frills like a Pool or Showers, but the equipment is all made by Life Fitness or Precor. For a membership for my husband and myself is 30 a month....no contract! It is called Fitness 19 and here is their web site to see if there is anything near you....if so go check it out! http://ww2.fitness19.com/ Jennifer
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