### 06/23 What Did Ya Eat Today?

Darlene X
on 6/23/06 6:51 am - Maricopa, AZ
Well the twins came last night!!!! Around 6pm. Warner Benjamin weighed 6lbs 8oz, and Reagan (No middle name) weighed a whopping 8lbs! No wonder my sister in law was so miserable LOL. We are going to visit them tomorrow morning, I can't wait to see our latest additions. Here are their first pictures: http://franklinfamily.rfgd.com/babyupdate/ Having a better water day so far... but Im feeling full 24/7... and I don't like it. I feel full from drinking water.... Breakfast: 3oz Kozy Shack NSA Rice Pudding Snack: 2oz Tortellini Salad Lunch: The remainding 2oz of Tortellini Salad. Snack: 6oz Lite Yogurt. Dinner: Will I ever get around to making my stuffed bell peppers? We shall see! LOL Water... done about 40oz so far, will start another bottle soon.
Darlene X
on 6/23/06 6:53 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hmmm that link isnt working, it works if you copy and paste.... ah well....
on 6/23/06 8:56 am - Pittsburgh, PA
First off! Congratulations Aunty! They are so cute! So little and pink. Breakfast: 4 oz LF cottage cheese with 4 grape tomatoes Mid morn: 30 gm protein shake Lunch: made a salad again with the tomato, onion, tuna, lettuce. 2 tbs balsamic dressing. Dinner: 3 oz chicken, mushroom/broccli/onion all stir fried together. Eve: Will have a protein shake. Probably shouldnt... been munching twice today on nuts! UGh!! I got rid of the Pringles, and thought nuts would be good. Had some a few days ago and was like hmmm. Well we bought some last night and now I can't keep my hands out of them. I told my husband to hide the can. I actually feel afraid today. I feel I over ate yesterday and today. I didnt really but it feels like it. I may have for a wls person. I dont know. But it is scaring me this snacking I'm doing. I'm afraid I'm eating around the surgery by eating between meals. I havent done that for 3 months! I think once I get back to work and out of the house that will help. Also DH was not home the past 3 nights, had class and math labs to teach. So it has been 3 long days and I think I picked out of boredom. Also feel that I shouldnt be able to eat the amounts I'm eating. Its more than the little Ive been consuming. UGH! thats about all i can say. But no sense in whining, just do something about it Ruth!!!! Eating and whining about it all my life is what got me here. Ok Im done ranting at myself. LOL
Darlene X
on 6/23/06 9:40 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ruth Ann you gorgeous lady you!!! Your meals that you eat look awesome, 3-4oz... I don't think your over eating at all... BUT yeah the grazing will kill you! It's grazing that often is the biggest leader in post-op weight gain after goal. My Mother in law is fighting it, she had about 25lbs regain, she snacks on chips, nuts etc... she is really trying to get out of that habit or snack on healthy things like raw vegetables... Nuts vs Pringles... honestly you were probably better off with the pringles... I mean, nuts are better for you in the sense the contain protein and good fats... BUT they are high in calories... you could easily snack away at 500 calories in nuts by just having 1/2 a cup over the day--- you DONT want to get in that habit because later on when calories REALLY count... then its a weight staller and weight gainer. Get rid of it... don't buy the chips again! You already said you wouldnt... and if grazing is a weakness while your not working, then get rid of the nuts too--- keep stocked up on cheese, raw vegies, hummus, deli meats etc and when you feel that urge to eat because your bored, at least eat something filling and good for you! You are doing awesome lady!!!! Darlene
(deactivated member)
on 6/23/06 9:15 am - AZ
Congrats Auntie! They are certainly lots bigger than my friend's twins who were born a little over 8 weeks early! At 3.5 weeks old they are both over 4 lbs now and should be coming home soon. Yea! I'm just now getting back into the swing of things and somewhat caught up with work and now I have to prepare for another busniess trip next week. Then it's a trip for fun over the 4th...hopefully no traveling for a little while after that. Breakfast: 8 oz of yogurt (100 calories, 13 grams sugar, 9 grams protein) Snack: Macadamia nuts - 1.25 oz - not the best choice but they are yummy! Lunch: homemade seafood salad in artichoke heart bottoms with parm cheese on top snack: 2 oz string cheese dinner: Chicken with cheese sauce (I just defrosted a container from the batch I made a couple weeks ago) snack: trail mix This should put me at 75 grams of protein for the day. I've done well with water today too - 55 oz so far, so I should make it to at least 80 oz. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Elizabeth
Darlene X
on 6/23/06 9:44 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hey Elizabeth!!! Im still waiting to meet you--- come to support group!!! hehehe Yeah my sister in laws twins were huge, because they went pretty much full term for a normal 1 baby pregnancy LOL. My other sister in law had twins also, a month early and they were only in the 3lb range each... they had to stay in hospital a week or so before the could come home! Twins runs in Hubby's family--- his Dad has 2 set's of twins in his immediate brothers & sisters... and well EJ's brother already had twins, and now his sister has twins..... I don't think I could handle twins... so I hope not for me when we try again for a baby LOL Darlene
Stephanie Smiles
on 6/23/06 11:28 am - My Town, NH
Congrats Aunt Darlene! I was a new Aunt on 6/15 but he lives in Michigan so I won't get to see him for a while. Today's intake: Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with a little cheese and salsa Lunch: SBD Meal Replacement Bar Dinner: 3 ounces of grilled chicken and a small salad Snack: 1 NSA Fudgsicle (as soon as I finish typing!) Water: only 32 ounces so far - need to get more in Hubby and I are headed to Boston tomorrow for a romantic getaway. (Not working on Monday...whoohoo!) I hope to do a lot of relaxing and walking. We're also taking in the Faith Hill/Tim McGraw concert. I'm sure that will be fun. Have a great weekend everyone! - Stephanie
Pat T.
on 6/23/06 11:57 am - Rome, NY
Hi Everyone, Every Day I read and never post, but I thought it would be good to start participating so I can be accountable for what i eat. One thing I noticed is that you all eat salads already and I am so scared to try one...I think I will one of these days... Breakfast: 1/4 packet of weight Control Oatmeal with tsp walnuts, 1Tbs of raisins and 1/2 c. lactaid Lunch: 3 1 inch meatballs with 1/2 oz mozz and sauce Snack: FF SF Frozen yogurt - 1 cup Dinner: 1/4 Low carb tortilla; 1/2 c. mozz and 1/4 c. diced tomato Snack: 1/2 c. FF SF Frozen yogurt I am addicted to this FF SF frozen yogurt from the local dari creme...I have to get the nutritional info, and limit myself to 3 times a week...I am working on it. I drank 64 oz of decaf iced tea and 48 oz of water. Liquids are not a problem for me. Thanks for letting me share...
Darlene X
on 6/23/06 10:37 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Salad was one of the first things I tried when I was released to normal foods at 5 weeks... it sits just fine.... chews down nice and good...if your allowed it... don't be scared, give it a try..... there's nothing worse than getting bored or stuck in a food rut because your scared of things!!!! Darlene
on 6/23/06 1:34 pm - Ft Stewart, GA
new babies are so neat I had my normal triple protien shake (just finished the end of it at 9:30 pm) made an isopure vanilla protien shake - had half of that for breakfast - not feeling real hungry b/c of the plem still - sorry if that is gross or tmi guys had bbq 1.5 oz, mashed pot 1T and corn 1/8 cup for lunch more isopure for snack 1/4 oz beef jerkey more bbq and mashed pot with cheese on top for dinner just finished shake for snack 986 for calories,150.8 protien - my best day so far but only 1.2 grams of fiber - gee guess I should be sick and have extra protien shakes every day - we will see what my wieght looks like tomorrow. I was up from water retenion this morning - drank almost a litter of broth yesterday (to much salt) plus started this morning. drank 20 oz blueberry herbal tea today with no sweetener - it was good. plus had 3 and ahalf litters of water - spend a couple hours at the pool - talked wls with Mimi and a lady that is still in the thinking about it stage - I met her at a support meeting one time and she reconized me - everyone seems to reconize me and its not b/c I am the fattest person they have seen anymore but they still seem to reconize and remember me - anyhow we talked about 90 mins while treeding water and chasing my 3yo in the pool. Miimi by the way looks great in her not plus size swim suit and a wonderful tan danni ENJOYING THE JOURNEY
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