odd question - would plem keep your pouch feeling full?
I have nasal drip sooo bad right now - sore throat etc. just crappy alergy stuff but I am having a hard time eating and drinking today b/c I feel full all day long - 1/2 oz or less of steak eaten over 30 mins totally filled me up at breakfast - 2 bites of chicken and stuff and I was full at snack time
help someone - tell me I am ok - please
Might not be the phlegm, so much as being sick period. I know when Im sick, all I want to do is sleep and maybe sip some chicken noodle soup. I havent gotten bad sick since surgery, but I do wake every day with a nose full of snot. I just blow and it clears. Maybe thats what it is, not wanting to eat due to sickness? Being sick SUX and I hope you feel better soon.