Feeling so tired...anyone else?

Katie M.
on 6/16/06 5:14 am - East Petersburg, PA
I have been feeling so tired lately...I was so perky for the first few weeks (after I got over the hospital experience) I was just buzzing around, walking, doing lots of energetic things I could have never done before the surgery. But the last few weeks, I've been really tired. I was convinced my Iron levels were low and I was anemic, but I just got back from an appt. with my PCP and he said all levels look good. I had my surgery March 27th, take all vitamins regularly and protein is good. I have trouble getting all the liquids in. Feels like regular water just sloshes around in my stomach and almost makes me nauseous. I've been doing crystal light and CIB SF a lot. Anyone else experiencing this? I've lost 70 pounds so far, so I'm not complaining, just feeling a little down about it...subconciously I think I'm "starving" for a pan of brownies, Maybe it's just the adjustment to the new life of eating... Katie
on 6/16/06 5:22 am - sw burbs, MN
HI Katie I was feeling the same way, my nurse said to take my B12 (liquid) for a week straight and to up my protien and water. I also started "big girl" vitamin. Taking whole adult vits instead of kids gummy vits. How are you doing with your protien? Do you take b12?
on 6/16/06 5:57 am - Inland Empire, CA
Hi Katie, ME TOO! I felt fine up until about 4-6 weeks ago. I don't know what's up, I haven't done anything different, however I have been working out harder and more consistently, so I've been wondering if I'm tired from being so out of shape and pushing myself...? That's the only thing I have come up with. My dr. just told me to stay on B12 everyday and see if that helped--so far--noooo. I've been keeping my water intake up and my protein is usually around 80. Maybe some others have more input for us.
on 6/16/06 6:43 am - Fort Bragg, NC
my 1st thought was iron but since you said that's not it....maybe lak of water? dehydration can make you feel sluggish ans so can lack of B-12. Other then that I don't know...sorry I am not much help. I went through a spell where I felt great then blah and now I am back to feeling good...so maybe it's just a phase?? Mimi
on 6/16/06 7:03 am - Saint Louis, MO
My surgery was March 20 - and I started feeling the same way about two weeks ago - sluggish, tired. I'm hoping it's the heat Rebecca
Courtney B.
on 6/16/06 8:21 am - Lancaster, CA
Ive been tired from before surgery. I still have not gotten that "burst of energy" that all talk about. My dr told me Im not getting enough water. WELL gosh darn it, if I drink anymore water, I will drown! How do you expect me to get 96oz of water, 80g protein AND still eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day???? It wont happen. I was hoping also my BW would show a reason, but I had it done over 2 weeks ago and have not heard a thing from the office, so Im assuming all was good. Im lucky if I get 64oz of water a day, BUT I have upped my protein to about 120g a day and noticed that Im losing faster with that amount of protein. I ecided to slow down the protein, because Im tired of stinking (those protein farts are the WORST!), but then I gained weight when I did that. So back to 120g a day. I HAVE to get to under 200 before July 7th! When we go camping. Courtney
Barbara M.
on 6/17/06 2:56 am - St. Louis, MO
Katie, what you are feeling is really pretty normal, and you will have periods of this now and again for awhile. i went through it first during the second month - so tired I could hardly put one foot in front of the other, but it got better. I am having a little of it now, but now quite as bad. Everyone has told me it comes and goes. hang in there. I have heard, and so I practice, that a little extra B-12 during these times is helpful.
Katie M.
on 6/17/06 4:45 am - East Petersburg, PA
Thanks to all the above replies...it is comforting to know that I'm not the only one struggling with this! I will definitely try the B-12 every day. My labs were Ok so I was taking it every other day, but it can't hurt to try it every day. I will continue to try to get in the liquids. I'm getting in about 60 oz a day, but it just got hotter here, so I guess I'll have to up the amount for the summer. I'm taking "big girl" vitamins already, so I guess I'll just have to hope that this is just a phase... Thanks for your ideas ladies! Katie
on 6/17/06 5:10 am - Ft Stewart, GA
take the subliqual ones from GNC (or else where I just happen to know they have them) b-12 is only absobed under the tounge or by shot they help me soooo much danni ENJOYING THE JOURNEY
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