Anybody else feeling MOODY?!!
yep I am cracky and cranky and moody - sometimes I swing so hard its like I am bi bolar - I am happy and working hard and doing great and 2 seconds latter I am a screaming b*tch so yep know what you mean - its the hormans released from fat loss but boy does it make it harder on the family to live with you
OMG I'm so happy to know I'm not the only one. I have been all over the place. I have so much to be happy for yet, I cant seem to get to that good place. I'm very short tempered lately and have been butting heads with my 14 yr old son. ugggggggggggggggh I keep trying to figure out what is making me so edgy, sad, emotionally flat and I can come up with NOTHING! That bothers me more than anything!! I guess I'll just have to take it as a wls side effect?? Hope it doesn't last much longer!!
Ali your reply sounds exactly like me! My 14 yr old son is driving me nutty! He's out to get me, LOL not really but sometimes it feels that way. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one feeling weird lately. I thought it was because I am in the process of switching from Lexapro to Welbutrin.. I've switched between the two before and had no problems... Plus there's a full moon out. I haven't had a panick attack in over a year but today I had two! I sure hope this passes soon! Don't let your son get the better of ya Hun

YES!! I've been medicated on Effexor 75mg for about 3 years now, (love it!) and spoke to my doc about the mood swings. He said, "go ahead and double up on your effexor..." so I did and I was downright CATATONIC!! LOL I stopped doing that but just have been more aware of my moodiness and so I go and hide in my room to give my hubby and 9 year old son some breathing space. It's terrible! Even my dogs know when to get out of my way! LOL Now, THATS bad!
Anyway, I'm so glad I can come here to our March board and experience things with everyone else. I love our March group!!!! GROUP HUG EVERYONE!!!