Anybody else feeling MOODY?!!

on 6/8/06 5:38 am - Inland Empire, CA
Or is it just me? I know they warned us it could happen--I don't know if it's the hormones from the weight loss or what, but these days I'm just walking around like one big raw nerve! I'm grouchy all the time. I've tried working it out at the gym, getting lots of rest, but nothing's helped. Ok, side note: my parents have been visiting/staying with us for almost T-W-O gosh&%$# months now and that could be partly responsible, but I'm not usually like this. Anybody else feeling like this? signed, Cranky
on 6/8/06 5:48 am - Palmdale, CA
Parents in the house for TWO months, you need not say more!! How far post op are you?? I'll put my money on the parents and not the surgery!! Good Luck
on 6/8/06 6:00 am - Inland Empire, CA
LOL JoAnn! I'm 11.5 weeks out. I think it's partly that--I love my parents, but 2 months is a long time. But they don't usually bug me. I think I just need my space back. I was thinking it was something else b/c it's ALL the time.
Darlene X
on 6/8/06 6:07 am - Maricopa, AZ
The only thing making me cranky is my 2 month non-stop period... Other than that I feel fine. Not too many hormonal issues going on here. Darlene
on 6/8/06 9:17 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Yes very much so. Not grouchy per se, but I guess Im not treating my husband the nicest! Not mean to him, just distant I guess. A lot and nothing going on if that makes sense. I think the surgery does make us a little nuts/ freak / whatever you want to call it, touchy perhaps.. But I can see how after two months of your company that would get a little hairy! For me it's just been a bad day. Actually it's been a bad week, kind of down, just dont know what to do with myself. Not working right now, want to in a way, then dont want to in another way. Cant make up my mind. I hate being home alone with nothing to do but clean or go to the gym. I want to work, but I dont think I want to work full time. I like having some time to do things in the house when I want to. I dont want to be obligated to anything. Is that wrong?? I've been searching for days for something and nothing. I've applied last week to a few things and havent heard anything. I Dont live near my parents or any old friends, hubby moved me to the other side of the world it feels like. (Not really only about 35 to 40 mins away, but just not close to visit all the time, every day etc) I dont see, bump into anyone I know when I go shopping etc etc. The neighbors dont bother with eachother. So it's just pretty much me and me alone. Hubby works full time during the day and teaches at night partime and on weekends. We have 3 cats they are adorable and I love them all to pieces, but I want a dog. I want a poodle, or bichon type, but just cant afford a new puppy at the costs they are asking right now since I'm not working. Have checked shelters, but all the tiny dogs ( the few and in between they get ) are always very scroungy and never really the type I want. I grew up with dogs my whole life and really really miss having one. And since we apparently arent having any children and I'm getting older by the second, I think a puppy/baby might help. UGh! I feel like I'm going crazy. This stuff is realistically so trivial but it just makes me whiney. I think I'm just a brat. Oh well this too shall pass. I guess we cant always get what we want. But poor Dave, making him sad because Im sad. Ive just been pretty much not talking to him and being matter of factly about things. He tries so hard to give me everything and to make me happy. I am a lucky lady for sure. I didnt go to the gym today. I slept in the other day until 10:45, not like me at all. It is my "visitor" week, so that could be a big part, but I never allow that to be a reason. LOL Dave is trying to blame it on that. I guess if it continues long term, then I'll worry, but right now I'm just tired of feeling down. Four days is a long time. UGH I just dont feel satisfied. And Im not sure what will satisfy me. I think a baby, but ugh thats a lot of work! And maybe I'll have one and then wont want it, or it will just be a head ache, plus my age, then think ok a dog in replacement, but same thing with that. I dont know what kind of work I want to do that will make me happy. But is work suppose to make us happy? Ive just come to think that its a place you have to go to to be miserable like it or not. I left a job about 6 years back that I spent 11 yrs at and told myself Id never go back to that again. My happiness comes first, and since then I havent had a job longer than 2 years. My head is spinning. Im done. Just needed to vent to someone other than DH. See if anyone else is this nuts! LOL Thanks!
Stephanie Smiles
on 6/8/06 10:34 am - My Town, NH
Hi Ruth Ann. You're not nuts at all. I wonder, though, if you would enjoy volunteering a couple of days a week? I know if I had time, I'd love to read to kids at the library. I love reading to people (I read to my husband sometimes!) and especially young ones. Since I don't have children of my own, it would be great to sit on the floor in a circle and read to someone else's cherubs. That's my little niche. What's yours? What do you enjoy doing? There are tons of opportunities that would get you out of the house but not make huge demands on your time and also allow you to dictate the hours spent outside the home. Here are a few things I've done over the years when I needed to make myself feel better or just be around different people: *Volunteer at a hospital (I'd love to start visiting bariatric patients when they have surgery! I know how much that would have meant to me. I'm working on that with my bariatric program.) *Play cards with elderly folks at a nursing home *Crossing guard duty *Arts and Crafts at a nursing home or daycare type place Those are just a few suggestions. Bottom line, you're far from nuts and also the things that are on your mind are certainly not trivial. Figuring out life is difficult and often makes us think we are crazy! You're doing so well with your weight loss journey. Keep it up and you can always vent to us! - Stephanie
Courtney B.
on 6/8/06 10:18 am - Lancaster, CA
Im not grouchy, but yes definitely more emotional. I started tearing up today taking pics of my sons kinder class. His teacher is leaving (this was her first year here, and now she moves on to another school) and Im choked up over it. I have started crying for apparently no reason lately. GOODNESS! Id send them parents home. My mom was here for the month of surgery and although I love my mom dearly, I was so HAPPY when she went back to HER home! Its easier with her gone, dont have the "say please and thank you, elbows off the table, sit like a lady, OH COURTNEY, how... why... when..." ARG! Felt like living back at home as a kid! COME ON MOM! Im almost 33 years old, quit correcting me! lol ok, Im done. lol Courtney
Stephanie Smiles
on 6/8/06 10:24 am - My Town, NH
Dear Cranky, I'm right there with ya. I've been so irritable lately, especially at work. Now, if my family had been staying with me for two months I'd be down right suicidal (or maybe homicidal)! So I think you're doing quite well to only be at "cranky". Families are great. So is personal space! I'm not sure why I'm so cranky either. Is it all the change that my body is experiencing? Is it that I feel like the weight isn't going away quickly enough? Could it be that I'm tired of cooking EVERY night so that I make sure I meet my daily nutritional requirements? Is it that I'm three months out and look the same as I did at two months out? Maybe it's all of the above and then some. All I know is that I'm usually a very positive, upbeat person and lately I'm just not that person. Wish I had words of wisdom for you. None here, but you aren't alone! Signed, Cranky Too
on 6/8/06 11:02 am - poquoson, VA
Yes!! I am right there with you. I have been sooo moody these past couple of weeks. I am dealing with a lot right now also. I am still in highschool so I am trying to finish all of my make up work, study for my exams, write papers, etc. I have been going to teh pschologist. She has helped me a lot. When I told her about my bad mood she was like hmm I wonder why. Look at all the stress in your life. Hopefully everything will calm down for me in the next few weeks. Good Luck to you. Emily
on 6/8/06 11:24 am
Oh, yeah. You're not alone. Sometimes my eyes get all teary over the littlest things, or I get upset over nothing. I try to let hubby know when I'm feeling like this. I figure he deserves fair warning. My PCP told me that our fat cells store estrogen, so as we lose fat all that estrogen is released into our bloodstream. Then the mood swings and pimples commence. Ugh. Cathe
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