Today is my 3 month wls anniversary and I'm down exactlly 100 lbs. 47 lbs pre-op and 53 lbs since surgery.
I feel so different then I did this time last year when I first started exersising. I couldnt be on the elliptical longer then 5 minutes now I can go 1 1/2 hours altough I usually only do an hour. I have more confidence and joined an aerobics class and a body sculpt class.
The way I play with my son is completely different, now we go for walks almost everyday and I'm not afraid to get on the floor and play with him.
I've also noticed that men have been alot nicer to me, it feels so good to have my husband be a little jealous instead of me being jealous of him getting hit on.
Thanks so much Danni theres been a few times that I havent felt like going to the gym but then I would see "what did you do for you today" post and you would inspire me to drag myself out of the house.
I would like to be the first century club Marcher but that honor goes to Cherie G, she made it a week ago I think you might have been camping then. Shes done an awsome job.