What do you do to reward yourself?

on 5/25/06 10:34 pm - , NC
I decided that when I lose 75 lbs, I'm going to get my nails done and maybe a facial. Also, after I hit my goal (whatever I decide that to be) my mother in law is going to take our family to Disney World! I haven't been since I was a kid so it'll be neat to see what looks familiar. So what are your mini-goals and rewards?
on 5/25/06 11:01 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
I wish I had some goals with rewards. I'm just basically so spoiled I get what I want when I want it. LOL No, not that bad, but usually if I want my nails done, a facial, new clothing or something I do it. So hard to use it as a reward. Same thing with jewelry but I did say after surgery to my DH that I should get some new jewelry since I had the surgery and went through all that. LOL I still haven't found that one piece I want yet to be my 'surgery' piece. I thought of something with a butterfly but haven't found a right one yet. It has to be really special. I did get a something, saw a smokey quartz sterling ring on QVC I liked and got that. It was very inexpensive and looked nice. When it got here, OMG it was gorgeous! So was very pleased with that. Disney World sounds great!! I've been to Disney Land before and enjoyed it. Sounds like a great goal reward!! I think just losing the weight and continuing to feel as good as I do is so much reward in itself. The new life I have, the energy, the activity and breathing is so wonderful! I rejoice in that everyday!!
on 5/25/06 11:12 pm - Nashua, NH
I have 2 things I want to do towards the end of the year. I probably won't be at goal, but will look so radically different it will be my splurge to do these 2 things. First of all, each year we take a picture for our Christmas card of our 2 pugs (they are too cute!). But this year, for the first time ever, we are going to have not only the pugs in the picture, but the NEW me and my wonderful hubby! I think people will be really surprised to see the new me - especially my friends in TN who I haven't seen that much since I moved to New Hampshire 6 years ago! The next thing I am going to do is surprise my granddaughter in Tennessee on her 3rd birthday. We will see them this July, but not again until after Christmas. Her birthday is the 23rd of December and I am going to fly down for the day and fly back that night (hubby works for the post office and can't take off in December until after Christmas day). I want to see the looks of everybody when I show up a smaller and healthier me! I just want to see their faces when I stroll through the door, especially since they won't know I am coming! I think it will be such fun! So those are my 2 rewards in the short-term, but my greatest reward will be knowing I have improved my health, in addition to my looks, and the joy I will experience doing all those things my weight constricted me from before. If I get REAL "wild and crazy" I may attempt snow skiing this next winter....know any good bone doctors! A great post- thanks! Barbara
Darlene X
on 5/26/06 12:52 am - Maricopa, AZ
I haven't really set any weight los goals and rewards cause things have bene super tight after all our medical bills this year and there isn't money to spend... But I want to go to Disneyland, California Adventure & Knottsbury Farm (sp?) so bad! Ive loved parks and thrill rides for so long, and I was too heavy when I came to the USA... so as soon as Hubby is able to walk a lot, we will deffinately be going!!!!!!! Darlene 338/266/170
Courtney B.
on 5/26/06 1:32 am - Lancaster, CA
My reward for all my hard work is getting a new tattoo in a week. I cant wait! Im SOOOOOOO excited! I will post pics on my profile when its all healed and pretty. Courtney
Tina K
on 5/26/06 1:39 am - Central, NY
I don't really have too many rewards in mind. When I hit goal I know I'd like a tattoo - my first ever! As I shrink I'll need new clothes - which is a huge reward for me because I generally don't care for the way I look in clothes so it's very exciting for me to see my body changing. The other thing I'd like to do is take a trip wine tasting - I live only 2 hours from some of the best wine in the world and we've gone several times. Such fun! Tina 315/256/140
on 5/26/06 7:25 am - Collingdale, PA
I'm so glad you posted this question. I am 8 lbs away from losing 100 lbs and have been trying to figure out what to do for myself as a reward. Funny how everyone I have asked so far (outside of OH) suggests food of some sort. Favorite restaurant, fav treat, etc... I don't want to reward with food. I want to do something special for myself, but I can't decide what. I'll be reading the posts to see if anything sounds good to me. Cherie
~ Stylz ~
on 5/26/06 12:09 pm - North of Boston, MA
I think I've set a bunch of goals because I just like to shop! Every 50lbs I plan to go out and buy a shirt. I've been dropping pant sizes like crazy, but the belly fat isn't going down as fast (nor as fast as I want it to) so shirt sizes aren't as dramatic as pants. When I hit 199 (which I haven't been for as long as I can remember) and only when I hit 199 I plan to get a piece of pizza. I'm dying for a slice of buffalo chicken from this place by my job and vowed to myself I wont have it before I get to 199. Not like I'll be able to eat 1/2 of it, but I still want it in a bad way!! When I hit 100lbs theres a Coach bag I REALLYYYY want, mind you its $650 but I deserve it right?? (I say that everytime I buy one but thats besides the point ) I'll also have to sell 2 bags I have already on ebay (coach is a serious addiction for me, over 15 bags not including totes, brief cases, wallets, shoes, etc ) My LONG term goal..... Plastic surgery but not before I reach 130. I can be at 135, but I've told myself not before 130. Whatever needs to be removed, lifted, added, tucked, pulled, etc, etc, etc, etc is what will be done! No way I'm working this hard to lose weight and still be conscious of my body because everythings still moving after I stop walking!
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/06 7:10 am - Remington, VA
I bought a Pandora charm bracelet, a "K", and a butterfly charm, and whenever I lose 5 or so lbs. I am going to buy a new charm. When I get below 200 I plan on getting my teeth professionally whitened. I'd also like a tattoo, that'll come after a great deal is gone. Those are my planned rewards. Clothing will be a necessity and when I reach goal I will get a new wardrobe. Along the way I have some stuff from gaining and will do the thrift shop/walmart thing to suffice. Good luck to everyone....the real reward is better health....it's priceless! Kirsten
Stephanie Smiles
on 5/28/06 12:28 pm - My Town, NH
I have one reward in place. Sitting in an old desk in our living room is a white box. Nestled in the box is my family ring. My husband bought it last month for me and it is my reward for losing 100 pounds. The ring holds my birthstone as well as the stones of my husband and my stepson. My stepson was born in April. His birthstone is a diamond. It's a gorgeous ring and I can't wait to wear it. 28 pounds to go!!!! I haven't thought about rewards after 100 pounds. I'll have to start thinking! - Stephanie
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