Having uncontrollable thoughts....

on 5/24/06 8:58 am - Pittsburgh, PA
But then again I guess all thoughts, or most thoughts are uncontrollable. LOL Anyways.. I wanted to post this because of a thought I had tonight while fixing dinner. It is scarey the things we think sometimes in regards to our weightloss, past, present, future etc. I was chopping veggies for my stir fry and something dropped on the floor. I bent right down and picked it up and tossed it. I think, wow how amazing it is that I just bent down, picked it up with no mind. Meaning in the past I would have looked at it and been dreading having to exert myself to bend over and pick it up. Then be out of breath and feel like I just squeezed my insides to death. But no, today I just did it without a care. That's cool! But.. yes there's a but. But then I get this really weird thought... this is the uncontrollable part. Where do these things come from?? I think ... yea, you just picked that up and it was nothing, but it's just temporary, you're not going to be able to do this stuff as easy always, you're just going to gain your weight back and all this be for nothing. EEKS! Isn't that terrible? I guess we are so programmed from so many failures that as amazing as this is, as it' has been, I guess somewhere in the back of our minds, or at least it seems in my mind today that this is just like any other "diet", and that I'm going to fail. Sure I'll lose the weight, but it'll come back on as it always has. What makes this any different? We are all intelligent people. We've done the homework. We know that yes the weight can come back if we aren't compliant. So it could very well be the same as always with eventual failure. All I can say is I'm glad I have you all, and OH.com to come to for support and share these crazy thoughts! This is a major decision we've made, I've made and I didn't come this far, and do all this to have it fail. So....... Uncontrollable thoughts get out of my head!! I will not let you win!!! *sword fights off the evil* LOL Thanks for letting me ramble!
on 5/24/06 9:58 am - Ft Stewart, GA
on evil thoughts stay away!!! I do know what you are talking about - it is the evil head monster that kept us fat for so long but now we have mr pouch who kicks the evil head monsters butt. evil head monster is if he thinks we are reniging on the we made - get surgery lose the wieght learn good habits while doing so so we can keep it off. hugs and keep up the good fight Danni
on 5/24/06 1:53 pm - , NC
Oh Ruth Ann, we truly are our own worst enemies, aren't we. I wonder how long it takes for those self defeating records to stop playing.
Melissa P.
on 5/25/06 1:56 am - Aurora, IL
We all do it, so don't worry about it. We probablly will always think this way, but at least we will be skinny thinking it!
on 5/25/06 12:19 pm - Glendale, CA
I know how you feel. As my suits have been getting bigger and bigger, I was thinking about buying a couple more for work. But, then I got to thinking.....what do I do with the old ones? I was thinking that I should keep them in storage so that when I gain my weight back, I won't be kicking myself for giving them away. So many failures - the old tapes. Thank all of your for your support. It's wonderful that we can share, laugh, learn, grow and support each other. Laura
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