Am I sabatoging myself?

Shana M.
on 5/17/06 4:32 am - KY
I am starting to worry after reading all your posts that I am not sticking to everything like I should. I mean you all sound like you are doing so well and measuring everything and not eating anything bad for you. I eat what I can. There have been times where I would eat 4-5 chips with my meal because I was craving them, or eat some chow mein noodles. On average i eat 2-3 ounces 3-4 times a day, sometimes 2-3 times a day. I workout 1 1/2 hours at a time at least 2 times per week, but lately my body has stalled and I'm having those "what if this won't work for me" feelings. Could I really stop all my weight loss just because I eat about 1/2 an ounce of chow mein noodles when I'm craving them? I try and eat all my protein, I drink around 80 ounces of water a day and I try and eat meat first. I haven't tried sugar or bread, but I have had no problems with any of the foods I've tried. I haven't dumped or gotten anything stuck ever. Sometimes I wonder if I really had the surgery! I stopped losing weight about 1 week ago. Am I screwing myself up? I know I'm annoying, but I don't want to screw this up too! SLM
Darlene X
on 5/17/06 6:00 am - Maricopa, AZ
Ok first, take a BIG breathe.... You are not going to fail, you have not stopped losing, your just in a stall which is VERY natural, and happens with weight loss-- The weight loss WILL begin again. I am 8 weeks out and in a stall too--- see your normal. It's all about moderation now... no you won't kill yourself by having a few chips or noodles... do you keep track of your calories? Do you always eat your protein first? A few nights ago I had some tortilla chips... Not the best for me, but I chose that. My choice... just like what you eat is your choice, and you are the one to take responsibility for those choices. No one can tell you what you should or should not be eating... because everyone now and then has something they know isnt the best for them. My only peice of advice is don't let things like chips get you into a downward spiral. At first it's just a few chips, then a few more, and grazing, and when you can eat more it's a whole bag... and all of a sudden you wonder why your stalling so much (Im talking about months down the road when we can eat more). There are certain foods that got us fat, and I plan to avoid those as much as possible, my weakness foods... Hubby's biggest weakness is icecream... he knows if he just has a little taste, it will lead to more and more "tastes", and become a weakness for him again--- so in 8 months he has not touched ice cream in any form-- and plans never to again--- he knows he won't be able to control himself if he starts again--- he would rather never start that addiction again, rather than start and have to stop again-- if that makes sense..... SO... if there are foods your eating where you feel like that, I would suggest avoiding them. Otherwise if your making sure your not getting too high in calories because of these "treats" and your execrising, following your diet 95% of the time... this won't hurt... But be careful... because these kind of things 12 months out, become those things that cause you to stop losing and possible gaining--- I hear it time and time again from out 3-4+ year post-ops at support group. Darlene
Shana M.
on 5/17/06 6:19 am - KY
You are so positive Darelene! Thank you for responding, I just worry about every bite I take. I know I can only eat so much, and that's not much...but the fear is still there. I didn't eat many chips and I did eat shrimp ****tail last night, but the fear was still there. I wanted to tell you that you are lucky your husband is going through that with you. My husband is heavy and would never do this in a millino years. He is supportive of me doing it, but has no desire to lose himself. I'm trying very hard to eat mainly protein. I'm finding myself getting hungry faster than I was in the beginning and I think that's part of my snacking. Two weeks ago the idea of getting in 3 meals a day was foreign! I wonder if I should kick up my exercise more. Should we be working out every day? I have a 3 year old so I try and fit everything into my schedule with him. When I get off work I really like to spend time with him before his bedtime. What eo you think? SLM
on 5/17/06 6:53 am - Ft Stewart, GA
I would say if you add in exersize just add one more day - or add a 5 day a week walk and play time at the park with your 3 yo. my wieght loss has smoothed out since I started taking 2 days as low intensity days - I either walk with the dogs or I do yoga/ball type stuff on tues and thurs and on sundays I don't do anything!! I agree that a few chips won't break you calories for the day (you are adding them into your calories right ) but I know that if I let myself (like on sat at sons party ) I took one tiny bite of pizza everytime I went in the kitchen and relized that in 2 hours I had eaten over half a peice of pizza - a LOT of calories. so when I eat stuff that is "not healthy" or is high cal and healthy I get my porition out and put it in a bag or bowl and when I am doen I am done. I can eat anything I have tried except for chicken and turkey LOL. so I am being very very careful. we are a family of 4 so I figure 3 times a year I get bday cake (they had better NOT get one for my bday) and I have one brother and he is getting married this summer - I get one small tiny peice of wedding cake. that is it. or at least I am praying hard that that will be it hang in there - you know the standard answer - eat your protien, drink your water and messure you bod to see what it is doing hugs danni 372/311/170
Tina K
on 5/17/06 10:41 am - Central, NY
Hey hon, We don't all eat perfectly and I only just started measuring stuff. For instance I had two Oreo's Monday, I've had Easter Candy, chips, pasta, garlic toast and other things that are not the "best" food choices. Yet I don't worry because one or two chips take care of my craving and I'm good for weeks. This will work for you and you are going to be an incredible success! Hang in there, continue to be aware of what you eat (don't mindlessless pick on chips for instance) and everything is going to be fine!! Tina 315/261.5/140
Sandra S.
on 5/17/06 3:45 pm - Mountain Home, ID
DON'T beat yourself up for satisfying a craving!!! I refuse to deny myself what I crave, only now it's done in MODERATION!. I haven't gotten sick on anything except for not chewing my meat well enough and I have the stinking feeling I won't dump with sugar but I'm not willing to find out yet! I'm still sticking to SF and NSA but my habits about carbs have TOTALLY changed. Try to have whole wheat carbs, stone ground wheat crackers or pasta. You sound like you're doing great with your protein and fluids. Everyone goes through a stall; mine was around 3 weeks but now that I've started exercising regularly I've noticed a HUGE difference in my weight loss. It kick started my metabolism and it's coming off about a half a pound a day! I don't think you have anything to worry about hon, it's just the beginning! The best is yet to come! Sandy
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