I'm so HAPPY I could pee my pants!
Today, 5 days before my husband's supposed to be taken by the Army and miss a year or more of our children's lives, we get a phone call telling him that he CAN RESIGN HIS COMMISSION! They'll let him leave!!! They were going to take him all of 7 days before his 8 year committment expired and were just being rude so never in a million years did I think they'd let him go. THANK GOD!! (happy dance)
That is great. It is nuts that they would send him right before his 8th year. I feel bad for the guys that sign up, and are stuck there. Some of them hate it from day one. I am 22, and a guy I went to high school joined the Navy at 18. He is almost done with his 4 years, but at first, he seriouslly wanted to shoot himself in the hand to get out. Go celebrate!
I know! Isn't that crazy?! We think it was because they were running out of people to help rotate out the guys who are there but in the same breath they say they're downsizing the troopage in Iraq. I dunno.. Tom was proud to serve but there comes a time when some people want to settle down and start a life in a next to no chance of being shot world.
Thanks guys! We'll all sleep a little more peacefully now and I just thank God that we don't have to find out "what might have been" with my son (borderline autistic) and daughter. His teachers were saying it would shut him down and that was the most terrifying thing that I could imagine.. Him backtracking so much that it handicaps him for life. Makes me furious that they were so selfish not to consider his long term health and well being when we appealed Tom's activation but now for no reason they're accepting resignations?!