I had my 1 year post up last Friday. I was scared to death to go because I didn't think I had lost enough and was worried my doctor might not be happy.

To my shock he told me I had lost more than he expected me too and that I didn't have to lose anymore if I didn't want too.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to hear that. I still want to lose 19 more pounds (at least), but I have to admit it was weird to have a DR tell me that....lol. He told me it may take a long time to lose the rest, but that its possible if I stick to the program.
I had been on a plateau for 5 weeks and lost 5 lbs in the last week

I had been avoiding carbs like the plague, eating only 30-40 gr per day, my nut told me I needed to eat 80-100 healthy carbs a day. I think thats helped my hunger and the weight loss this week.
I was reading the posts from all the 1 year check ups and we've all done so good. Congratulations everyone!

I took some pics, but don't have them developed yet. Will post them soon.
